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The Batman Release Date, Cast and More – /Film

(Welcome to …And More, our no-frills, zero B.S. guide to when and where you can watch upcoming movies and shows, and everything else you could possibly stand to know.) The Dark Knight returns yet again in The Batman, the latest big-screen take on the Caped Crusader. This is a whole new take on Batman, separate from the DCEU and completely unrelated to […]

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'Howard the Duck' Star Lea Thompson Offers to Direct Marvel Reboot

“I love my duck,” the actress and filmmaker tweets Universal Pictures “Howard the Duck” could be getting his MCU close-up, courtesy of Lea Thompson. The actress, who starred in the universally panned 1986 film of the same name, has volunteered to direct Howard in a “Marvel reboot.” “Howard the Duck” was trending worldwide on Twitter on Thursday following the release […]

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