This Is How Kris Jenner Reacted to Finding Out Kim Kardashian Did Ecstasy
In case you missed it (doubtful), Kim Kardashian casually revealed that she’d filmed her sex tape while high on ecstasy during a recent episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. To quote: “I did ecstasy once and I got married, I did it again and I made a sex tape. Like, everything bad would happen.”
And now, Kim’s opening up about how she stopped using drugs—and apparently it all came down to this icon:
“I would tell my mom everything, we always had such a close relationship,” Kim told Busy Philipps on Busy Tonight. “So I would come home and be like, ‘Oh my god, mom, I did ecstasy last night’….She was sitting on top of the washing machine [….] and she was like, ‘You, one day, you’re not going to be able to have babies, you can’t do this, you’re going to ruin yourself!’ Like, she was so upset.”
Kim said Kris was worried she’d “just be this crazy drug addict,” and eventually she agreed. “I just was like, ‘You know what? She’s so right, I’m so over it,'” Kim said. “Like, this is so not me. And I just never did anything again.”
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