What do YOU think about the plans to reduce speed limits to 20mph?

A war on motorists? A solution to the climate crisis? Or a genuine bid to save lives? Tell us what YOU think about the 20mph zones taking over the UK

  • 28million drivers live under local authorities where 20mph speed limits are set to come in.
  • The debate: while many are in support of the measures, for preventing accidents and reducing carbon emissions, the plans have been heavily criticised by motorists whose commute time and fuel usage will increase as a result. 

Rishi Sunak is poised to paint himself as the champion of motorists as he battles to narrow the gap with Labour ahead of the election.

The PM and his team believe that the spread of 20mph zones across British towns and cities has left drivers feeling like victims of a ‘war on motorists’.

The controversial expansion of ULEZ in London, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and the growth of cycle lanes have all added to frustrations.

However, supporters of such measures argue that lower speed limits and emissions caps save lives – both through reducing accidents and pollution.

And many regard the push for less car use as critical for the struggle against climate change.

Mr Sunak has watered down some of the environmental commitments such as banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030, while maintaining the goal of going Net Zero by 2050.  

But there is speculation he will use the Tory conference in Manchester next week to vow curbs on 20mph zones and take other steps to protect motorists from the impact of the green push.  

So where do YOU stand on the debate? We want to know what YOU think. Let us know your opinions in the comments. 



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