Tony Blair warns UK must 'plan for the worst' of second coronavirus wave in Autumn

BRITAIN must get ready for the "worst" case scenario of a second wave of coronavirus in the autumn, Tony Blair has said.

The ex-PM insisted that the ministers aren't doing enough to get the country ready in the next few weeks for a possible huge resurgence of the virus in the colder months.

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Speaking to Sky's Sophy Ridge on Sunday this morning, he bashed the Government for failing to use all of its 200,000 testing capacity – and demanded they introduce rapid on-the-spot testing too,

He said today: "There is a possibility that you end up with a resurgence in the autumn.

"We have got to hope for the best and plan for the worst."

He said there must be a whole range of measures put in place now to get ready.

The ex-PM, who led Britain between 1997 and 2007 said: "I still don't think we have the right strategy in place for what i would call mass testing -our capacity is 200,000 a day, we are only utilizing about half of that.

"We are short of where we need to be.

"The reality is we are going to be living wtih Covid 19 not eliminating it… for "the foreseeable future."

Spain, Poland, Argentina and Australia have seen spikes in cases in recent weeks.

The summer months are "easier" to deal with the pandemic, he stressed, and the winter would pose new challenges.

Mr Blair said the Government had been slow to push its face mask policy, which had been completely confused, too.




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