Theresa May's Brexit guru Olly Robbins runs up £16,000 bill travelling first class to save the PM's deal

New figures reveal the top civil servant enjoyed the lap of luxury as he thrashed out details of the ‘backstop’ with Eurocrats.

He took FOURTEEN trips to Brussels or Paris between July and September.

And almost every Eurostar trip was on ‘Business Premier’ – where passengers can tuck into a three-course meal from a menu put together by Michelin-starred chef Raymond Blanc. The total bill includes food and accommodation.

Brexiteers blame Mr Robbins for undermining two Brexit Secretaries – David Davis and Dominic Raab – in his negotiations with the Commission.

Taxpayers Alliance chief John O’Connell stormed: “There's absolutely no justification for Olly Robbins to be jetting around Europe in business class.

“Nor does he need to be sitting in premium classes on the Eurostar, which offers fine-dining and menus designed by Raymond Blanc.

He added: "Government guidance says flights less than five hours should be taken in economy class. MPs now can't claim for first class on trains after the expenses scandal. Why is it one rule for Robbins' political masters, but apparently another for him?"

The Government expenses also revealed Theresa May ran up a £368,000 bill over the autumn flying to Europe, New York and South Africa.

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