Taliban praises Trump tweet to bring troops in Afghanistan home early

Taliban applauds Trump for promising to bring US troops in Afghanistan ‘home by Christmas’ and says it will be the start of ‘good and positive relations’ following 19 years of war

  • On Thursday the Taliban praised Trump for tweeting that all US troops in Afghanistan would be ‘home by Christmas’ 
  • Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed said Trump’s statement was a ‘positive step’ towards a peace agreement 
  • However, hours before Trump’s tweet, national security adviser Robert O’Brien said the US would go down to 2,500 troops by early next year  
  • A deal between the US and Taliban made in February said forces would leave Afghanistan by May 2021 in exchange for counterterrorism guarantees  

The Taliban praised Donald Trump’s tweet promising to remove all US troops out of Afghanistan by Christmas.

On Wednesday the president announced the US will remove the last ‘of our BRAVE men and women serving in Afghanistan’ by the holiday season, marking America’s exit from Afghanistan after 19 years.

However, hours earlier national security adviser Robert O’Brien said Washington would reduce its forces in Afghanistan from 5,000 to 2,500 by early next year. 

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed said Trump’s statement was welcome and a ‘positive step’ towards a peace agreement between the US and the Taliban.

‘The Islamic Emirate (Taliban) is also committed to the contents of the agreement and hopes for good and positive relations with all countries, including the US, in the future,’ a Taliban statement said Thursday.

On Wednesday night Trump tweeted: ‘We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE men and women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas’ 

Hours earlier national security adviser Robert O’Brien said Washington would reduce its forces in Afghanistan from 5,000 to 2,500 by early next year, contradicting Trump

Taliban negotiator Abbas Stanikzai (center front) pictured attending opening peace talks with the Afghan government and the Taliban on September 12 in Doha, Qatar

At the moment there are under 5,000 troops in Afghanistan from an estimated 13,000 when the agreement with the Taliban was signed on February 29. 

On Wednesday O’Brien said an event at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas: ‘Ultimately, the Afghans themselves are going to have to work out an accord, a peace agreement… It’s going to be slow progress, it’s going to be hard progress, but we think it’s a necessary step – we think Americans need to come home.’

‘As of today, there are under 5,000 and that will go to 2,500 by early next year,’ he added.

It was unclear whether Trump’s tweet was giving an order or verbalizing a long-held aspiration. 

The removal of troops is part of a landmark deal between the US and the Taliban reached in February that agreed that foreign forces would leave Afghanistan by May 2021 in exchange for counterterrorism guarantees from the Taliban, which agreed to negotiate a permanent ceasefire and a power-sharing formula with the Afghan government.

The Afghan government was not part of the US-Taliban deal and did not offer any reaction to Trump’s tweet.

A landmark deal between the United States and the Taliban in February said foreign forces would leave Afghanistan by May 2021 in exchange for counterterrorism guarantees from the Taliban

On Thursday Abdullah Abdullah, the head of the Afghan government’s peacemaking process told reporters during his ongoing visit to India that it was early for an official response to Trump’s statement.

‘But eventually we as Afghans should be prepared for any eventuality. There is no doubt that there will be consequences by the decisions made by (our) international partners all together. But it is our responsibility to work together and find a way to live in peace,’ he said, according to VOA News.

At the moment the Taliban and an Afghan government-appointed negotiating team are holding peace talks in Doha, Qatar, which started several weeks ago.

Talks have been slow and little details of the back and forth have been released.

Washington’s peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad returned to the region last week.  

Afghan government forces continue to struggle to maintain security in areas under their control. Afghan officials have warned that swift US withdrawal could further destabilize the country.  

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani (left) and Qatar’s Foreign Affairs Minister Sultan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi  (right) pictured during a meeting in Doha on October 5 

The Afghanistan Peace Negotiation Team pictured in Doha, Qatar amid peace talks with the Taliban on September 15

Trump, who is seeking re-election next month, has made walking away from ‘ridiculous endless wars’ the cornerstone of his foreign policy, even though thousands of troops remain in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

The White House’s plan for the drawdown will almost certainly be subject to review should Trump lose his bid for a second term in the November 3 election.

Trump’s comments could further weaken the Afghan government’s leverage during negotiations with the Taliban.

While the talks have been taking place in Doha, scores of Afghan soldiers and Taliban fighters have been killed in clashes. Dozens of civilians have also died in recent weeks.

About 2,400 US service members have been killed in the Afghan conflict and many thousands more wounded.

Wednesday also marked 19 years since the United States invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban rulers who had harbored al Qaeda militants who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001. 

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