Sick animal abusers who left dogs and five puppies to starve to death in faeces-riddled house escape with just a fine

One of the dogs was described as “like a skeleton” when they were rescued by the RSPCA, but both owners escaped jail time, being slapped instead with a £1600 fine each.

Caterina Armanelli appeared in Cairns Magistrates Court on Thursday, where she pleaded guilty to failing to provide adequate care for her female Rhodesian ridgeback Brownie, her brother-in-law's male Siberian husky Demon and their five puppies.

The brother-in-law, Adam Manfield, didn't attend court but was also convicted, The Cairns Post reported.

According to a RSPCA statement supplied to Daily Mail Australia, inspectors searched Manfield's property last October in response to neighbours' concern about the animals' welfare.

Brownie was found in a severely emaciated condition.

There was no food or water available for the dogs or puppies

Her puppies, all aged 5-6 weeks, hid under old car shells and shrank from inspectors, terrified.

The RSPCA said: “There was no food or water available for the dogs or puppies."

“There was a substantial build-up of faeces in the yard and no bedding available for any of the dogs.”

The dogs were and taken to a vet, and the mother was found to be near starvation point.

The vet said it would have taken weeks to months for Brownie to reach that state, suggesting the suffering was prolonged.

The dog looks like a skeleton — it was appalling treatment of the animal. This poor animal suffered greatly at your hands.

Demon and the puppies had fared better, but all seven dogs seized were filthy and required worming.

Armanelli told the court she had argued with Manfield to have the animals relocated to her home, but the defence was dismissed by Magistrate Joe Pinder.

He told the court Armanelli failed every moral test and obligation as a pet owner to Brownie, The Cairns Post reported.

“The dog looks like a skeleton — it was appalling treatment of the animal. This poor animal suffered greatly at your hands.”

Armanelli and Manfield were each fined £1600.

All puppies and Demon have since been adopted while Brownie remains in the care of the RSCPA, having recently returned to her goal weight.



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