Saudi Arabia executes 134 as barbaric crucifixions rise – with 3 kids at risk

Barbaric crucifixions are on the rise in Saudi Arabia with 134 people executed already this year.

A death penalty watchdog has revealed 'alarming' rise in state executions in the country – including crucifixions.

A report claims more than 130 people have been executed this year already – with at least 24 more at "imminent" risk of execution, including three children.

The skyrocketing number reportedly included at least six teens executed this year for "crimes" they were accused of carrying out as children.

And the surge has come despite a pledge from Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince to reduce the use of the death penalty amid international disgust.

he Death Penalty Project (DPP) watchdog's report on the executions says political figures, clerics and human rights defenders have been targeted, with individuals facing death for 'crimes' from expressing anti-government views on Facebook to bringing water to protesters.

The report, presented to the 42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council over the weekend, urged world leaders to boycott Saudi Arabia's turn to host the G20 Summit next year.

The DDP says global pressure must be applied to convince Saudi Arabia to uphold international human rights standards, and place a moratorium on any further death sentences and executions.

The DPP's report highlighted that detainees are being tortured and face "grossly unfair" trials culminating in death sentences.

Among the executions carried by the brutal regime highlighted in the report was a mass execution of 37 men on April 23.

Most were members of Saudi Arabia's Shia minority, arrested over their participation in protests during the Arab Spring period, and tortured and convicted in sham mass trials.

The savage methods of the regime's growing number of executions were labelled "shocking" by the report, with witnesses reporting public beheadings, often taking place en masse.

Mutilated bodies were often left on display for long periods, the report continued.

The victims' grieving families say bodies were not returned to them and in some cases they were never told where their loved on was buried.

Individuals killed included television presenters and writers, progressive clerics, and children swept up in the uprising protests of 2011-12.

The report gleaned details of cases concerning teens on death row from interviews with family members of recent and threatened executions, and from lawyers and NGOs working on the cases.

Victims included a teen who was 16 when he was arrested in 2014, who was tortured with methods including electric shocks, suspension and being deprived of using the toilet.

He was held without charge for two years, and his false confession was the only evidence relied upon against him at trial before his execition.

Mujtaba al-Sweikat, was 17 when he was alleged to have taken part in protest-related offences.

He was arrested as he boarded a plane to commence his studies in America in 2012, and was held without charge for three years and tortured before his execution.

The report also named three teens currently at imminent risk of execution, all subject of urgent appeals by human rights defenders.

Among them is Abdullah al-Zaher, who is accused of taking part in protests at age 15. The report said he has been beaten with iron rods, and is due to be executed by 'crucifixion' – meaning his mutilated body will be publicly displayed for a prolonged period.

Dawood al-Marhoon was 16 at the time of his alleged 'offences'- which included chanting anti-government slogans and supporting protesters by bringing them water.

Murtaja Qureiris was just 10 at the time of his alleged participation in an anti-government demonstration.

He was detained at age 12, and was the focus of global outcry when a prosecutor sought a death sentence, which close observers of the regime say remains a risk despite Saudi authorities' initial backtrack under international pressure.

The report noted many prisoners detained on death row were notable women's rights campaigners.

It is believed 12 women are currently facing death penalty proceedings under the regime.

This April, Saudi authorities arrested at least 14 journalists, academics and family members of women's rights campaigners in another crackdown.

The prisoners have faced long-term detention without charges, and torture to elicit forced confessions, according to the report.

Its contents were presented at an event hosted by The Death Penalty Project over the weekend at the UN's Palais de Nations in Geneva, to highlight "illegal and arbitrary " executions and human rights abuses faced by detainees and their families.

The panel at the event included the son of a death row prisoner in Saudi Arabia, Salman Al Odah.

Abdullah Al Odah, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, said:

“The Saudi Government is executing pressure and intimidating and imprisoning human rights defenders, activists, human rights defenders, and public figures in Saudi Arabia. 

"We have been witnessing the way the Saudi Government acted to imprison and arrest people by using the death penalty in particular to punish those who peacefully sought to ask for liberties and basic freedoms in Saudi Arabia; it’s just preposterous and should be held accountable.”

The report's author, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, addressed the event as she made recommendations in the report urging the world to apply pressure to Saudi Arabia.

She said the shocking assassination of exiled columnist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi should not be viewed as an anomaly.

His gruesome death last October at Saudi Arabia's Embassy in Istanbul at the hands of Saudi agents drew widespread outrage.

The CIA later concluded Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman had ordered Khashoggi's assassination.

Speaking at the weekend's event in Geneva, Baroness Kennedy said: "I have been very concerned about the way in which Jamal Khashoggi’s murder is being presented to the world as being some sort of rogue activity and not part of systemic human rights abuses inside Saudi Arabia. "

The immediate establishment of an impartial fact-finding mission and UN investigation into allegations of human rights violations were among the recommendations that emerged from the report.

The international community is being urged to ramp up diplomatic and political pressure to end the killings.

The report said Saudi Arabia should be pushed to publish explanations about who is on its death row and why, and to release the remains of those executed to their families immediately.

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