Rishi Sunak reported to Scottish police for Nicola Sturgeon comments

Rishi Sunak is reported to Scottish police for ‘contempt of court’ after making comments about Nicola Sturgeon in Conservative conference speech

  • Prime Minister appeared to mock prospect of former SNP leader going to prison
  • General Secretary of Alba Party Chris McEleny has reported Mr Sunak to police 

Rishi Sunak has been reported to Scottish police for comments he made about Nicola Sturgeon in his Conservative conference speech. 

The Prime Minister took a swing at the former SNP leader in Manchester as he poked fun at Mrs Sturgeon for ‘wanting to go down in the history books who broke up our country’.

In his barnstorming speech which delighted the conference hall full of Tory followers, Mr Sunak said: ‘But it now looks like she may go down for very different reasons.’ 

His punchline was met with bursts of laughter as he appeared to mock the prospect of Mrs Sturgeon being sent to prison.   

Now Chris McEleny, the general secretary of the rival pro-independence Alba Party, has reported Mr Sunak to the force for contempt of court, as the Prime Minister’s comments come amid a live police investigation. 

Rishi Sunak appeared to mock the prospect of Mrs Sturgeon being sent to prison in his party conference speech in Manchester 

Ex-first minister Nicola Sturgeon was released without charge following her arrest in June as part of the police investigation into the SNP’s finances

The SNP leader was arrested and questioned in June as part of Police Scotland’s investigation into her party’s finances – dubbed Operation Branchform. 

READ MORE: Defiant Nicola Sturgeon tells of ‘shock’ and ‘deep distress’ after she was arrested and held for SEVEN HOURS in police probe into SNP finances

Ms Sturgeon was released without charge following her arrest and told of her ‘shock’ and ‘deep distress’ after she was held for seven hours. 

She released an emotional statement insisting she is innocent and ‘would never do anything to harm the party or Scotland’. 

Mr Sunak made the comments as he claimed the union between Scotland and the rest of the UK was ‘the strongest it has been in a quarter of a century’, with the Prime Minister adding that ‘the forces of separatism are in retreat’. 

But Mr McEleny said that ‘Operation Branchform should be free to pursue its investigation fearlessly without interference from Rishi Sunak’, adding as a result he was ‘formally complaining about the offence of Contempt of Court’, requesting police to investigate this. 

The Alba general secretary stated: ‘The Prime Minister is commenting on, and making an assumption about a live Police Scotland investigation. 

‘In Scotland contempt applies from arrest, not from charging. Operation Branchform is investigating serious matters of the utmost importance the Scotland and trust in politics. 

‘It is too important a matter to allow interference from the Prime Minister in this act of contempt when many people await the facts of Police Scotland’s investigation.’ 

Ms Sturgeon’s arrest followed the arrest of her husband, Peter Murrell – the SNP’s former chief executive – in April

Both Police Scotland and Downing Street have been contacted for comment.

Mrs Sturgeon released a statement on Twitter, now known as X, after she was released without charge. 

She said: ‘I know beyond doubt that I am in fact innocent of any wrongdoing.

‘To find myself in the situation I did today when I am certain I have committed no offence is both a shock and deeply distressing’, she added.

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