MPs to discuss new points-based immigration system in Parliament today – The Sun

MPS will today discuss a new points-based immigration system — as the Government presses to get it through Parliament by the year’s end.

It will let the UK choose migrants according to their work skills and mark the end of the EU’s free movement.

Ministers want it ready as soon as possible so firms can prepare for rule changes.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “For the first time in decades, the UK will have the power to determine who comes to this country.”

She added: “We know this will mean changes in the way businesses operate and recruit, but by doing this now we are giving businesses time to prepare and adapt as the economic recovery gathers pace.”

Visas for workers and their families have been extended before the new laws to help fight the coronavirus crisis, and current EU citizens in the UK have also had their right to stay protected.

Ms Patel added: “Our new points-based system is firmer, fairer, and simpler. It will attract the people we need to drive our economy forward and lay the foundation for a high wage, high skill, high productivity economy”

The new immigration system will make it easier and quicker for medical professionals around the world to work in the NHS through a new fast-track NHS visa.

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