More than a million over-65s are choosing to keep working

More than a million over-65s are choosing to keep working rather than enjoy a relaxing retirement

  • At least 1 in 9 still working past 65th birthday, compared with 1 in 20 in 2000
  • READ MORE: Older workers forced to re-think plans to keep up with rising bills 

A soaring number of over-65s are choosing to keep clocking in at work rather than enjoy a relaxing retirement.

At least one in nine are still working past their 65th birthday, compared with one in 20 in 2000, according to a study.

There were 457,000 in 2000 rising to 1.43million now, the analysis showed. 

Workers aged 65 and over are mainly self-employed and working part-time, but there is a growing number continuing in full-time employment up to and beyond the state pension age. 

Dr Karen Hancock, research and policy officer at the Centre for Ageing Better that carried out the study, said: ‘These figures show the ever-growing importance of older workers to the economy in filling labour and skills shortages.

At least one in nine are still working past their 65th birthday, compared with one in 20 in 2000, according to a study (file image)

‘Around half the substantial growth in numbers is down to demographics and the growth in the older population.

‘The raising of the state pension age has also been a factor.

‘But the increase also includes a growth in older workers who feel well enough to continue working and who want to continue reaping the financial and wellbeing benefits of remaining in work.’

Almost 80,000 workers in the older age group were employed on zero-hours contracts this year, the report said, adding: ‘Working past state pension age is becoming increasingly common, but it should be a choice.’ 

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