Moment man smashes car window with AXE to save dog left trapped inside in 34C heatwave

THIS is the dramatic moment a dog was rescued from a car by a hero with an axe as Britain boiled in a 34C heatwave.

Footage shows the Good Samaritan smash a car window after the Yorkshire Terrier was abandoned in sweltering temperatures.

The tiny Yorkshire terrier had been trapped in the car on one of the hottest days of the year

The panting dog was spotted on the back seat of VW Golf at Newbury Retail Park in Berkshire on Monday afternoon.

Its owner had gone shopping with her young daughter in Currys and left the pooch for up to 45 minutes.

The man – hailed a “legend” – used the huge tool to break the glass on the front passenger side window.

He was able to smash it on the eighth attempt.


Cops – who were buying lunch at a nearby M&S – were called over.

The little dog was later checked over by vets after the dramatic rescue.

In the horrifying video – viewed nearly 30,000 times – worried onlookers can be heard.

As the glass shatters, one man says: “That’s done it, that’s enough.”

A woman adds: “Where’s the dog? Where’s the dog?Jesus Christ. That poor little dog.”

A man adds: “At least it will get some air and won’t die in there.”

The horrified woman added: “It don’t look b****y great.”

Local Samantha Heaver posted the video on Facebook and said: “To the d******d owner of this car and dog owner you irresponsible t**t. "

Rich Loveday said: “Any news on the dog owner’s great excuse?

Samantha added: “There was no excuse other than she was sorry and didn't think.”

Rich added: “Ahh that's ok then.

“Oh well maybe the broken window will help them not to do that again.”

To the d******d owner of this car and dog owner you irresponsible t**t.

Another local Paul Butler fumed: “Unbelievable, should not be allowed to have pets.”

Jaymi Dooley added: “I so want to buy the bloke that smashed the window a pint.

“What a legend Thank God there's still sensible people around.”

Caz Williams said: “Find out who the guy is, he deserves a medal.

“And the guys who spotted the poor dog. Who the f**k does that.”


Mandy Rawlings said: “I’d get the owner on video shame them, heartless.

Samantha said: “I would but she had a little girl with her too.

“I said ‘Would you leave her in the car?’She tried to say she had been 20 minutes. More like 45.

“She’s been reported. The woman and her child had been browsing on Currys.

“Her car was there before we pulled up. The alarm kept going off when we went to Currys.

“Ed looked in and the dog was panting trying to get out of the inches inches of open window. A guy overheard Ed saying there is a dog in there.

“Waited for five minutes then smashed the window.She still hadn't arrived back."

Police eventually got the dog out and an officer took it to a local vets, she added.

Samantha added: “Ten mins later she came out of cCrrys with NOTHING so obviously that was essential."

A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: “A member of the public did smash a car window to get a dog out of a car.

“Two of our PCSOs attended, the dog was taken by one of the PCSOs for a check over.

“The owner of the vehicle returned and was given advice.”

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