Las Vegas gay couple ambushed at home in alleged bias attack

A same-sex couple from Nevada claims that two people assaulted them outside their house because they are gay.

On Thursday night, Charles Clements drove to pick up his boyfriend, Vincent, from the Walmart where he works, according to local affiliate FOX5. When they arrived back at their Las Vegas home, both Vincent and Clements encountered the alleged attackers.

Vincent, who chose to be identified by his first name, said he recognized one of the attackers as someone he works with at Walmart. Vincent was the first man targeted by the attackers.

“I was about to unlock the door, the next thing I hear, he’s calling my name,” Clements told FOX5 of witnessing an attack on Vincent.

“I come back, I see my boyfriend fighting with the guy.”

Clements said he thinks and his boyfriend were targeted because of their sexuality.

“It was all about gay bashing,” Charles said. “The guy came up to my boyfriend’s job, calling him an abomination, calling him f-g.”

The fight eventually moved onto the front porch of the house, where a glass table shattered.

“There was a lot of glass on the floor so the guy came around,” Clements said.

“He picked up the glass. I was like, ‘Don’t do that.’ And he started stabbing my boyfriend in the back. The guy was kicking him in his ribs,” he added.

Clements said he got hit in the head with a piece of glass. Both he and Vincent were hospitalized following the alleged attack. Vincent has two broken ribs and a punctured lung.

Clements said his neighbors witnessed the assault but that no one called the police. Cops are now investigating the incident but no arrests have been made.

In the meantime, Clements’ uncle is helping the couple find a new home to keep them from harm.

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