Jeffrey Epstein assigned sex slave to Prince Andrew to ensure he always had power over him, doc claims

JEFFREY Epstein instructed young women to have sex with Prince Andrew to ensure he always had power over him, a new documentary has claimed.

Four-episode miniseries Surviving Jeffrey Epstein premiered on Sunday, and features interviews with numerous Epstein accusers recounting his crimes and predatory behaviour.

Financier Epstein killed himself in a New York cell last August while awaiting trial on charges for the sex trafficking of minors.

Prince Andrew has long faced questions about his association with Epstein and alleged Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell, currently awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

Both the prince and Maxwell strongly deny any wrongdoing.

Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts has previously alleged that she was trafficking by Epstein over a two-year period after being introduced to himby Maxwell in the summer of 2000.

She says that, in that period, she was forced to have sex with the prince on three occasions – once in London, once in New York, and once on Epstein's private Caribbean island.

Speaking in the new series, Roberts claims that Epstein's trafficking of young women was part of an attempt to exert power over other powerful people.

"There were times that he would send me on a commercial flight to go meet the people… saying, ‘I want you to take care of them and report back to me what they liked, what you did for them',” she says.

She also reiterates that the prince is among the people described.

Fellow accuser Lisa Phillips alleges that other women were also trafficked to Prince Andrew by Epstein.

“Most of the girls didn’t speak about what happened with Prince Andrew, but I had one very good friend who confided in me about her experience with him,” she says.

“She told me that Jeffrey kind of instructed her to go into a room and have sex with Prince Andrew. She told me, ‘Jeffrey isn’t really who he says he is.’”

She also says that Epstein didn't talk much about this relationship with the prince but, asked on one occasion, did hint at his reason for allegedly providing the women.

“He just mentioned that he needs to have something on people,” she says.

Numerous former associates of Epstein have also said that the rooms in his vast Manhattan townhouse, where Prince Andrew is known to have stayed, were fitted with cameras.

The cameras are said to have been intended to capture compromising footage of Epstein's guests.

Describing the rumours, New York Times journalist Christopher Mason, a one-time friend of Maxwell's, says: “The stories I kept on hearing were that in every guest bedroom in Jeffrey Epstein’s house, there were hidden cameras.

“And that part of Jeffrey’s ability to manipulate was that he had this video of powerful men having sex with underage girls.

"And these recordings were held in a safe that Jeffrey was using as a power tool to manipulate wealthy guys to make them do whatever he wanted.”

A source close to the Duke of York said: “Virginia Roberts is being badly advised by her legal team into making ever more outrageous claims in the hope of provoking a reaction. 

"If there was even a shred of evidence to suggest that the Duke of York had been involved in such a criminal endeavour, he would have been arrested.  He has not been.  

"Her lawyers needs to consider very carefully the implications of what they are briefing her to say in the public domain.  

"Those of us rather closer to the facts know that the Duke of York will be exonerated and vindicated in the weeks ahead.” 

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