Furious motorist drives his car at traffic warden after chewing up a parking ticket he got for parking in disabled space – The Sun

A FURIOUS businessman drove his car at a traffic warden after getting a ticket for illegally parking in a disabled space.

Cops released body worn footage after the the crazed driver was convicted of dangerous driving.

Matthew Quinn, 37, popped into a bookies after parking in the disabled spot without a blue badge in Whickham, Gateshead, last April.

His daughter was in the passenger seat when a ticket was issued – prompting her to phone her dad.

Quinn stormed out of the bookies and verbally abused the traffic warden before chewing up the ticket and spitting it at the worker.

He got back into his Mitsubishi before driving towards a second warden stood on a pavement who had a narrow escape.

Quinn pled guilty to dangerous driving and was handed a six month sentence – suspended for 12 months – on Friday.


He was also handed a community order and must pay £500 compensation to each warden.

His reckless behaviour also resulted in a 12-month driving ban at Newcastle Crown Court.

Neighbourhood Inspector Harninder Bola said: “When you watch the footage it really is shocking to see the way Matthew Quinn is behaving.

“He has illegally parked in a disabled bay and the traffic warden was just doing his job by issuing him with a parking ticket.

“Quinn was acting in a very aggressive manner and that was very intimidating for the warden who did well to stay calm.

“For Quinn to then get in his car and drive towards the victims was completely unacceptable and they were lucky not to be injured.

“In his rage he could have seriously harmed somebody and it was only right that we brought a criminal prosecution against him.

“He has narrowly escaped a custodial sentence and I hope this case has given him time to reflect on his behaviour and learn from it moving forward.”

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