Eurosceptic Tory MPs who refuse to back Boris Johnson’s new Brexit deal ‘face being kicked out’ – The Sun

EUROSCEPTIC Tory MPs who refuse to back Boris Johnson’s new Brexit deal could be sensationally kicked out of party, it has been reported.

The Prime Minister and his allies are drawing up a strategy which could force staunch Brexiteers to fall into line in a Commons showdown next month.

A senior government source told the Daily Mail that Mr Johnson will take the whip away from any rebels – including “Spartan” Tories from the European Research Group (ERG) intent on leaving the EU without an agreement.

Earlier this month, the PM sacked 21 of his MPs for joining forces with Jeremy Corbyn to block a No-Deal exit.

A senior source: “The same rules will apply. If you don't vote for the deal, you're out.”

Party whips are hoping that the ruthless plan, coupled with support from opposition MPs who have voiced regret at voting down Theresa May’s deal, could push through a potential exit agreement thrashed out with Brussels in the coming weeks.

The Brexit “Spartans” were members of the ERG who refused to back Mrs May’s compromised exit deal with the EU three times.

However, two prominent members of that group – Priti Patel and Theresa Villiers – are now the Cabinet as Home Secretary and Environment Secretary respectively.


Despite the reported threats from the new regime in Number 10, senior ERG figures – including chairman Steve Baker and his deputy Mark Francois – have said they would vote against any new deal even if it did not include the Irish backstop.

But Chief Whip Mark Spencer has told colleagues that the number of No-Deal Brexiteers could be cut down to less than ten, the Mail reports.

Another key factor in the plan would be securing the support of the DUP’s ten MPs.

Mr Johnson’s team believes that securing the DUP’s agreement on any new exit deal is crucial in getting Tory rebels to fall in line, it has been reported.

According to the Mail, Number 10 believes a deal could be passed in only ten days if one emerges from the EU Council by October 18 with MPs willing to work “day and night” to push it through.

This comes as it emerged rebel MPs expelled by Johnson say they have received new legal advice that will allow them to stand for election as Conservatives again.

Five of the rebel group so far are planning to lodge an appeal, which will be heard by a three-strong panel convened by the 1922 Committee.

But The Sun has also learned that a larger number also remain livid with Boris and will refuse to lodge an appeal.

Those insisting it’s for the PM instead to ask them back include Rory Stewart, Sir Nicholas Soames and Margot James.

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