Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star has been CAGED and boarded up after being repeatedly vandalized for years

DONALD Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star has been surrounded by a cage and boarded up after years of being vandalized.

The star, which has been vandalized with paint, stickers, and even a pickax, is now covered up with a piece of wood and has a metal gate around it.

While the new set-up appears to be for protection, it could also be seen an ironic, considering the Trump administration's history of separating immigrant families and placing children into cages.

Vandalism to Trump's Walk of Fame star has reportedly cost the Hollywood Historic Trust thousands of dollars in repairs since he took office in January 2017.

The star has been blacked-out with spray paint, defaced with swastikas and messages like "Putin's b***h," surrounded by a fake, miniature version of the president's proposed border wall – and more.

James Otis, the Otis Elevator heir, has been detained multiple times for vandalizing the star, according to TMZ.

The most recent was a few days before the 2020 presidential election.

Trump's star was covered by wood and surrounded by a fence then, as well, in anticipation of vandalism.

Otis, however, hopped the fence and smashed up the star using a pickax, according to reports.

He then reportedly turned himself in to police.

The boarded up star comes as the president continues to insist that he won the 2020 election, and Joe Biden was only named the projected winner due to widespread voter fraud.

Numerous lawsuit filed by his campaign, however, have been tossed out in courts.

As of yet, there is no concrete evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election.

On Saturday, the president spoke at his first rally since losing the election – in Georgia – and told supporters he does not want to "wait until 2024" to run for president again.

He told that crowd again, without evidence, that the election was "rigged."

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