Brit woman claims she was forced to sleep rough in Amsterdam for two nights when travel agent 'cancelled hotel'

A BRIT slept rough in Amsterdam for two nights when her travel agent allegedly cancelled booked accommodation without telling her.

Zea Hudson, 26, had shared video with her 16,000 followers on TikTok showing her excitement during a flight from Gatwick – only to be turned away by the hotel.

Zea – a self-styled Tik Tok ‘influencer’ – and her boyfriend, 42, booked their flights and accommodation through Loveholidays in February for £1,600.

The couple flew with EasyJet from Gatwick on Friday, July 24, and took the tram into the city before walking to the Corendon City Hotel Amsterdam, where they were due to stay.

She shared footage of her flight from the UK on TikTok, saying that she couldn't "wait to take her face mask off".

But the anticipation of a well-earned city break soon became a nightmare when hotel clerks said Loveholidays had cancelled their booking a week earlier.

The only rooms left were going for the “extortionate” price of £800 per person for the four days, and the couple had just £500 spending money, Zea claimed.

Searching for alternative accommodation, they lugged their suitcases in the pouring rain – but all other nearby hotels were either fully booked or out of their price range.

Zea, of Worthing, West Sussex, was recently made redundant from her part-time job as a breakfast and after school club assistant, and her boyfriend is on furlough.

For two days they slept rough on a path away from the main thoroughfare, Zea claimed.

She added: “You can’t sleep rough in the city centre so we found this tunnel – I think it was under a metro line – and went under there because from when we arrived it was absolutely soaking.

“It was so scary. It was getting really dark and I was getting anxious because you don’t know when you’re in a different country what type of people are about.

“Amsterdam has a Red Light District so you don’t know what type of men are about.

“I was absolutely freezing and wet and didn’t get much sleep at all – it was a really stressful situation.

“I’m really glad I had my partner with me because I wouldn’t have been able to do it on my own.”

Zea suffers from endometriosis, asthma, arthritis and hip dysplasia, all of which made the experience of sleeping rough in the freezing rain especially uncomfortable.

They eventually found a good deal for both of them to stay at a Best Western hotel on Sunday and Monday last week for £400 – and decided to stay there until their return home.

She says she caught a cold while sleeping on the concrete floor with her suitcase for a pillow – and has since been having acute asthma attacks.

Zea – who’s also a first year student reading music business management at Greater Brighton Metropolitan College – has slammed Loveholidays over her experience.

The influencer claimed she sent them four messages, phoned them 30 times and contacted them through their online Facebook chat.

Zea pleaded: "Can someone please get back to me, it's been raining all night and day, I have asthma and other health conditions. Please help."

“I’m really worried it will happen to other people,” she added.

“I feel really angry and also disappointed because when you book a holiday through someone you are putting your trust in them."

Zea demanded a refund and an apology.

LoveHolidays has been accused of sending customers to closed hotels in Spain in recent weeks – but claims it’s been updating people on changes and working with customers to find alternative accommodation.

The company has been contacted for comment and said it would be issuing Zea with a refund.

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