'Sister Wives': One of the Brown Kids is Putting Some Serious Distance Between Themselves and the Family

It looks like Garrison Brown wants to separate himself from the Brown family, a little bit. The 20-year-old son of Janelle and Kody Brown recently joined the mainstream LDS church, started his own company, and is even going by a different name to set himself apart. Is there a rift that fans should be worried about or is Garrison just forging his own path?

Garrison joined the LDS Church

The fans over at Reddit unearthed a recent Instagram post that indicates Garrison has become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The mainstream LDS church renounced the practice of polygamy way back in 1890, leaving the Brown family out in the cold. The Instagram post indicates that Garrison has been working to become a member of the church for seven long years, which means he began attending service as a non-member when he was around 13 years old!

Funnily enough, several of Garrison’s siblings attempted to join the church in the past but were denied membership due to their connection to Sister Wives. Garrison, unlikely his siblings Maddie and Mykelti, is mostly absent from the show, which may have made it easier for him to join.

Garrison’s parents belong to the Apostolic United Brethren, a sect that still practices the principle of polygamy.  None of the Brown children have decided to practice polygamy at this point. However, fans believe Aspyn, the daughter of Christine and Kody, is headed in that direction.

Garrison is now going by Robert, his actual first name

While fans know the young reality TV star as Garrison, his real first name is Robert. The fourth child of Janelle and Kody appears to be utilizing his first name now that he’s officially enlisted in the service. While going by Robert instead of Garrison might not seem like a big deal, it is possible that the name change is being used to distance himself from the media circus that is his family life.

Garrison’s name change also seems to coincide with his family picking up and leaving Las Vegas. The 20-year-old college student has seemingly decided to stay behind in Nevada to finish his education. Without a large group surrounding him, it seems he’s been freed to forge his own path, and a name change might be the first step.

Garrison is selling Hawaiian shirts while in college

There has been much talk about the Brown family finances in recent months. After leaving Las Vegas, the family watched several of their properties languish on the real estate market. The rumors of financial instability were further fueled by news that the Brown family had failed to pay property taxes in their new home state. If the Browns are suffering from a lack of cash flow, Garrison Brown has a plan for supporting himself.

The industrious 20-year-old just opened up a Hawaiian shirtbusiness. Garrison has a lot on his plate already, but it looks like he hastime to design, market and sell the button downs all while finishing up school,dating and attending to his military obligations.

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