Piers Morgan nominates himself as Theresa May's replacement and instantly gets the backing of scores of celebs

PIERS Morgan has nominated himself to replace Theresa May as Prime Minister – and instantly received backing from a host of celebrities.

Earlier today, the British PM was forced to resign after she failed to deliver Brexit and lost the support of her own MPs – but will continue in office as a lame duck until July.

There is now doubt over who will lead the government next, and 54-year-old Piers believes that he is the answer.

The outspoken Good Morning Britain presenter shared a photo of himself standing in front of 10 Downing Street with his co-host Susanna Reid.

While Piers is proudly grinning and waving at the camera, Susanna is biting her lip in a sign of hesitation as she awkwardly gives a half-hearted wave.

Piers simply captioned the snap: "It's time. #PMforPM."

When asked who he would choose as his Deputy, Piers replied: "Susanna Reid. Obvously."

Surprisingly, the controversial star's motion was backed by his following, with some famous faces supporting his decision.

Former Towie star Mark Wright commented: "Genuinely think you would be pretty good", the remark received over 700 likes.

Lizzie Cundy simply added: "Yes !!"

And Piers' GMB co-star Charlotte Hawkins joked: "I would say [shocked face] but at least we would get some peace and quiet…"

Meanwhile, journalist Jo Elvin teased: "Christ I knew things were bad, but…."

One of Piers' fans commented: "It's actually not a bad idea."

Another wrote: "To quote Sir Humphrey Appleby: 'Well, there have been worse Prime Ministers'."

A third agreed: "I actually think that this would be a good decision."

Earlier today it was revealed that Paddy Power had odds of 500/1 of Piers nabbing the role of PM, with the star also renowned for his "special relationship" with US President Donald Trump.

The pair's friendship started when Piers won the US version of Celebrity Apprentice in 2008, which Trump was the host of.

Speaking previously, Piers said of Trump's rise to power: "Next thing I know he’s running for president, he wins and I’m in this weird surreal position of being someone who is his friend."

Piers has previously faced criticism for "going easy" on Trump during a variety of interviews over the years, with the star defending his style at the time, defiantly insisting: "I'm not going to take a large hammer and start smashing him over the head."

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