Courtney Skippon From 'Below Deck' May Be the New Meme Queen

“Woman yelling at cat” has some competition as Courtney Skippon from Below Deck tapped into a talent maybe even she didn’t know she had.

Skippon has been tweeting and sharing her own hilarious perspective of this season, creating memes and dialog that is starting to go viral. She revealed her cinematic talents in an earlier tweet when she shared the video she created that snagged the casting agents’ eye. But since then her lowkey, dry sense of humor is showing through not only on the show but on Twitter.

She’s been steadily compiling a series of hilarious memes that are starting to rival the popular Bravo inspired, “woman yelling at cat” meme. She countered the kitty meme with a dog-inspired meme from a moment on the show. She also created more viral moments on Twitter, along with a funny clip of Skippon and deckhand Rhylee Gerber seemingly waving to each other.

This bar shot is becoming iconic

When the crew ventured out to the clubs, Skippon sits at the bar, looking bored, holding a random dog in her lap. Behind her, the guys are drinking and laughing, which provided Skippon with endless captions. She shared an “intensive guide” at one point where she broke down the entire interaction. The five-step process ends with Skippon sharing that she “boops” the pup’s nose.

She also used the same screenshot and wrote, “Extremely ‘me’ energy coming off this..” In another instance, she also captioned the same screenshot with, “Courtney, 26 years old, in Thailand, single.”

Fans are loving the meme. One even shared her own “drinking and dog party” with her dog too. “Major @courtneyskippon vibes. We found the dog at the party,” the fan shared. “I love that drinking with the dog at the party is now “@courtneyskippon vibes”. #drinkingwithdogs,” Skippon wrote.

Skippon later shared video from the bar shot along with another funny caption. “When you realize the person you’ve been talking s**t about is right behind you,” she wrote. Bosun Ashton Pienaar later shared a photo with the same dog Skippon was holding. “Brian has some competition tonight,” she wrote and drew a large red circle around the pup.

She’s just getting started

Skippon then created a funny meme of “v. exciting day at the production office.” The photo is shot from an office but Skippon cut out the heads of celebrities like Michelle Obama, Ina Garten, Cher and Jane Fonda flipping someone off. She also added herself, chief stew Kate Chastain, Chastain’s dog Halo and her own adorable dog. Standing over the top of the group is Oprah Winfrey in her “You get a car” stance. A fan asked, “Did you all get a car?” Skippon replied, Y”a, Oprah drove.” When a fan asked Skippon if she created it, she joked, “Unfortunately.”

Her newest creation is one where Gerber relaxes on a lounge chair with a cocktail in hand and waves at Skippon. Skippon seems to be sitting far away, on another lounge chair with her own drink. @thelifeofrhylee: ‘dumb bitch’ Me: ‘dumb bitch’⁣ Me & Rhylee,” she captioned the funny video. She received plenty of laughing emojis, including some from Captain Sandy Yawn from Below Deck Mediterranean.

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