Cara Delevigne to explore world of porn in raunchy new BBC series Planet Sex

CARA Delevigne is set to explore the world of porn and erotica in a raunchy new BBC series called Planet Sex.

The actress and model will examine issues surrounding gender identity and look at the big questions about relationships and sex appeal.

The new six-part BBC series, with a working title of Planet Sex, will be produced by Hulu and BBC Three. 

Cara will throw herself into experiments conducted by world-leading sex labs, as well as visiting communities who experience gender and sexuality very differently.

A telly source said: “It’s a real coup to have landed Cara, as she has such a high profile. There’s a huge buzz about her documentary. 

“Producers are hoping to release it in the US. They’re pleased with how hands-on Cara has been, though obviously production has been held up by coronavirus. BBC3 hopes this will be the first project of many they can do with her.”

Cara, worth an estimated £27million, identifies as pansexual — meaning she is attracted to people regardless of their gender identity. Having previously described herself as bisexual and gender-fluid, she told Variety mag last month: “I always will remain, I think, pansexual.

“However one defines themselves — whether it’s ‘they’ or ‘he’ or ‘she’ — I fall in love with the person and that’s that. I’m attracted to the person. I change a lot.

"I feel different all the time. Some days, I feel more womanly. Some days, I feel more like a man.”

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