#GameOfTwoHalves Podcast: Singaporean ownership of top European clubs; Barcelona's woes

#GameOfTwoHalves Ep 96: Singaporean ownership of top European clubs; Barcelona’s woes

12:40 mins

Synopsis: #GameofTwoHalves is The Straits Times’ weekly sports podcast that is out every Tuesday.

Money FM’s Rachel Kelly calls up ST sports correspondents David Lee and Sazali Abdul Aziz to discuss the following topics.

1. A deeper look at the Loh cousins’ (local entrepreneurs Terence Loh and Nelson Loh) bid to take over Newcastle United and why fans are unhappy with Peter Lim’s management at Valencia.

2. Barcelona lost 8-2 to Germany’s Bayern Munich in the Champions League quarter-final to finish a season without a trophy for the first time since 2008. Will they turn the corner or lose more ground to Real Madrid?

Produced by: ST Sports Desk

Edited by: Nadiah Koh & Penelope Lee

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