Your weekly horoscopes, March 31- April 7


March 21 – April 19

Getting what you want has never been easier – ask for it and expect to receive it. Th ere's huge potential here for a very big project, so set your sights high. Th e only limit to what you can achieve is your imagination.

Illustration by Rocco FazzariCredit:


April 20 – May 20

Getting your finances in order is your top priority and you're well placed to earn some extra money. You're busy, busy, busy – but it's all good.


May 21 – June 21

Your personal ambitions are very strong. Stop drifting and start achieving. You have all the talent required but you've sometimes lacked effort. Onwards to great things!


June 22 – July 22

You're driven to learn more about yourself and your spirituality. This is an excellent time to investigate different faiths and practices. Who knows what you might find!


July 23 – August 22

Mars inspires you to change the world – and yes, it can be done. You can't do it alone, however, so now is the time to seek out like-minded souls.


August 23 – September 22

With Mars in your ambitions zone, you're much more driven to succeed. Th is is the best time of the year to promote yourself and your abilities. Don't be shy about what you can do.


September 23 – October 22

Itchy feet? Travel abroad if you can, to stretch your mind the furthest, but anywhere will do, even a nearby neighbourhood. What matters is that you get out and about.


October 23 – November 22

Be careful about digging to uncover someone else's secrets: you may just let slip a few of your own. Mars drives you in pursuit of revenge, but are you sure that's really wise?


November 23 – December 20

With Mars now in your love zone, there's a combination of passion and anger in your relationship. Th e making up may well be fun but be careful not to provoke arguments unnecessarily. Be considerate and honest.


December 21 – January 19

This is a great time to forge a personal fitness routine as you'll enjoy sports and all kinds of physical activity. Don't take it to extremes, however. Exhaustion is not a good look.


January 20 – February 18

Never one to conform, you're taking a definite walk on the wild side this week. Mars drives you to some extreme behaviour, but be careful with your personal safety. If you must take risks, make sure they're calculated ones.


February 19 – March 20

There could be some discord at home, but flaring tempers won't harm the solid family foundation you have. Weather the storm with good humour if you can; find the funny side of loved ones letting off steam.

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