Your Sex Horoscope for the Weekend

What’s happening: On Saturday, assertive Mars and lucky Jupiter form a supportive sextile aspect, and Cancer Season begins! Then, literally just a few hours after the Sun enters Cancer, there’s a solar eclipse (also in Cancer). This is the final Cancer eclipse for nearly a whole decade, so don’t be surprised if any major opportunities, surprise news, or one-of-a-kind circumstances come your way. Finally, on Thursday, Venus Retrograde officially ends after nearly six weeks of stirring up drama in your love life!

What that means:


Hate to say it, but most of this week’s crazy astro isn’t focusing too much on your love life, bb. Mostly, you can anticipate work being busier, life at home being more stressful, and feeling a ton of emotions. No fun, I know, but if you make it through the week, you’ll see your love life flourish again! Venus Retrograde finally concludes on Thursday, and if you’er single, you’re getting alllll the Tinder matches and alllll the cuties in your DMs. If you’re already boo’d up, you’re having much sweeter convos with your partner, connecting more deeply, and sorting out the arguments you’ve had over the past few weeks. Venus’ lovey-dovey vibes are lighting up your chart’s communication zone, so whether you’re talking dirty with your next hookup, telling your boo you love ‘em, or swiping left and right on the apps, you can rest assured that your love life is getting a major glow-up!


You’re in the mood to try something new this weekend, Taurus, and that never happens! Put yourself out there—hit up your crush, super-like that cutie on Tinder, or tell your partner that one ~naughty~ thing you’ve been dying to try in bed. Cancer Season starting this weekend is lighting up your chart’s zone of communication, so it’s easier to connect with your S.O. or get in touch with new cuties. The eclipse on Sunday might mean that someone ~super special~ is sliding into your DMs, so keep your eyes open!


Lately, you’ve been learning to understand the value of commitment, and this week, it’s still your love life’s top trending topic. If you’re tired of being single, now’s the time to feel things out with your crush. If you’ve been waiting to DTR with someone you’ve been seeing casually, now’s the time to figure out how to start the “What are we?” convo. If you’re happily boo’d up but want to move in together or get married, now’s a great time to think about how to discuss your future together. Venus Retrograde is still going strong until Thursday, but after that, you can actually go out and start those conversations and do those things! After a long, hard Venus Retrograde, your ideas about love, beauty, and relationships are probably way different than they were six weeks ago. You’re in the clear to take your dream love life and make it real!


Happy Cancer season! This week, you’re being called to shake up your love life. Try something new in bed, start flirting with some new cuties, or ask your crush out this week. You’re not necessarily destined to find success, but with the eclipse happening in your sign this weekend, some major new connections can easily start to pour in—and yes, this includes potential love connections! Venus Retrograde ends on Thursday, which is helping you reduce all the drama in your love life. If you’ve been dealing with exes for the past few weeks, you’re finally able to find closure—or ask them if they want to be a part of your life again—and feel confident in the decision you make. If you’ve been having any ~behind the scenes~ secret flings lately, you can finally go public—if you’re ready. Venus is still in Gemini, which means your love life isn’t amazing just yet, but once Venus enters your sign in a few weeks, it will improve a ton!


How do approach your love/sex life on a day-to-day basis? Are you having fun, good sex regularly? If you’re single, are you dating and sexting enough to feel like your love life isn’t totally dead? If so, great—this weekend will be a fun and hot one. If not, then this is your opportunity to try something new so you can improve your day-to-day love life. This can be as simple as sending a sexy snap to your FWB, messaging your next dating app match first, or just surprising your partner with something new in the bedroom. Anything that can (gently) shake things up and change your routine can be extremely successful this weekend.


You’re feeling pretty GD confident this weekend, Virgo! Do something with your bold, hot new attitude—ask someone out, or if you’re boo’d up, do something exciting and out-of-the-ordinary with your partner in (or out!) of bed! This weekend’s astro-weather is sending super hot energy to your chart’s fifth and seventh houses, which govern romance/sex/fun and relationships, respectively, so it’s an amazing time for bettering your love life! As great as you feel right now, try to remember to reel it in if you think you’re coming off as cocky or pushy. Oh, and JSYK, any love life related drama you’ve been struggling with for the past few weeks is coming to an end too, since Venus Retrograde is over on Thursday!


Work is really, really kicking your ass this week, Libra, and whether you’re single or boo’d up, you’re finding that you’re simply too tired to have a sex drive right now. No fun, I know, but listen—make it through this struggle of a week, and your love life will start to improve a ton by Thursday, when Venus Retrograde ends! Once Venus is moving direct again on Thursday, you can say “goodbye” to any lingering drama with exes and stressful situationships, and say “hello” to a more exciting love life—and new connections! Keep your eyes peeled for someone who’s not your type but is still super attractive to you—hit them up, ask them out, and shoot your shot, because you might be able to start a fun, one-of-a-kind relationship.


This weekend finds you feeling more upbeat, energetic, and turned on. If you’re single, finding a fling is easier than ever thanks to your boosted confidence, and if you’re with someone, sex feels way better thanks to this weekend’s exciting astro-weather. Cancer Season, starting this weekend, helps you carry out those high-energy, ready-for-action vibes for the next month, so expect your sex life to be (hopefully) way better, and (almost definitely) way busier! Venus Retrograde was causing issues like low confidence or bad sex for the past several weeks, but on Thursday, the retrograde ends—which means that you can take advantage of all of the excitement and action coming your way!


You’ve been urged to slow things down lately, and you’ve probs been hating it—you can blame Venus Retrograde for that. It’s been six rough weeks for your love life, but since the retrograde ends on Thursday, you can expect things with your relationship/situationship to start improving dramatically. Cancer Season starts this weekend, however, and the entire month also encourages you to take things slow with your love life—but not in a stressful, wonky, retrograde-y way. Sex is more erotic and emotional for you now, Sagittarius. If you’re single, expect to catch feels for whoever your next fling or first date is. If you’re in a relationship, expect things with you and your partner to become much more romantic. Take it easy, Sag—you’re not moving a million miles a minute like you usually are, but you’re able to enjoy it now.


If you have something to say, then say it, Capricorn! If you’ve been dying to ask someone out, pop the “What are we?” question, or upgrade an already-existing relationship, now’s your golden opportunity! All weekend long, Mars (the most active, motivated planet) and Jupiter (the luckiest, most optimistic planet) are working hard to help you to say what you need to say and make changes to your life. If you’re happily single, you can still have fun with this energy—put yourself out there to find a FWB or just get your flirt on! Cancer Season starts this weekend, and with it comes a month where you can focus on your relationships. You can strengthen your already existing connections, or start new, strong relationships now—whatever you want to do to improve your love life, you’re able to do it!


There’s good news and bad news. I’ll start with the bad: this week, work and your day-to-day routine are taking up a vast majority of your time, so your love life is low-key flopping. Now, the good news: Venus Retrograde is finally ending on Thursday! Your sign had it easiest this retrograde, but even if you were struggling big time for the past six weeks, things with your love life are starting to improve a ton. You’re finding it way easier to share and receive affection—platonic, romantic, and sexual—and finding happy, positive experiences in your love life. You’re coming off (and feeling) waaaay hotter, and attracting cuties is a total breeze. So sure, this week is pretty dull, but starting Thursday, your love life finally starts to feel exciting and fun again!


Saturday is the first day of Cancer season, meaning that for the next month, the Sun is illuminating your chart’s fifth house, which governs all things related to romance, sex, and fun. For the past few weeks, Mars has been in your sign, making you feel more confident, motivated, and bold, and this weekend—now, it’s helping you start Cancer season off with your best foot forward. You’re ready for action, your libido is sky-high, and you’re feeling yourself, so asking someone out or just doin’ it a ton with your partner is the easiest thing ever. Major upgrades to your relationship can start to happen this weekend, too, since there’s a major solar eclipse in Cancer on Saturday. If you’re single, you might find that a one-of-a-kind, super sexy cutie enters your life. These are (obvs) best-case-scenario predictions for the eclipse, but hey, it could happen! Understand that the world is your oyster this weekend, Pisces, so if you want something (or someone) to help you spice up your love life, all you have to do is go after it, and it’s yours.

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