Woman given £35,000 to do nothing but binge watch box sets for an entire year

So many television shows, so little time…

That’s the case for many of us these days, who have so much going on in our day to day lives that there’s no time left over to be spent catching up on the latest and greatest telly.

Subsequently we then feel like we’re missing out, when colleagues and friends begin discussing the dramatic events of the new Game of Thrones episode, and we have no idea what they’re talking about.

But one woman won’t have to worry about work or other commitments for the next year, and that’s because she’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime.

Mari Burkinshaw has won a competition to take the first ever ‘Box Set Sabbatical’ – which means she will be paid to take a year off and do nothing but stream shows on NOW TV.

The 29-year-old from Woolwich will receive £35,000 to literally do nothing but enjoy 365 duvet days.

Earlier this year, Mari had been working as a print designer at a fashion brand, but knew she needed to find a better work-life balance.

She explained: "I was working full-time in an office, commuting long hours, juggling family commitments, not to mention maintaining a social life, or even finding time for myself!

"I realised I wanted to have more flexibility and decided to leave.

"Around the same time I saw NOW TV was offering a paid sabbatical to spend a year watching box sets and as a huge TV fan I realised this was the perfect opportunity for me."

Mari describes herself as an "amateur binge watcher", but despite this, she managed to beat out 1,000 other people to claim the prize, thanks to her hilarious poetic video entry.

She added: "I decided to enter when there was just three days to go – so I pulled out all the stops to get my entry in on time – even raiding my sister’s jewellery box to dress up in costumes.

"I genuinely didn’t expect to win, and I’m absolutely delighted to spend the next year catching up on all the shows I’ve missed and not feel any guilt, something I didn’t imagine would be possible, it’s a dream!"

NOW TV decided to offer the unique sabbatical after conducting research into Britain’s TV watching habits and discovering that one in seven people spend their holiday time catching up on TV.

Londoners were found to have the least time to watch TV, with long working hours keeping them busy.

As well as £35,000 and a year off work, Mair will also get a NOW TV smart stick, plus 12 months of NOW TV Passes with access over 300 box sets to immerse herself in popular shows.

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