Woman 23, is open to dating men old enough to be her GRANDFATHER

Woman, 23, reveals she’s made thousands from dating sugar daddies who she sees as ‘mentors’ to guide her through life – but makes them sign a ‘no sex contract’

  • Anastasia Robertson from Greater Manchester, has ticked off her bucket list
  • The 23-year-old became a sugar baby through the website Seeking Arrangement
  • She has dated sugar daddies in exchange for expensive gifts and holidays 
  • She also earns a modest £16,000 a year from her day job as a care worker

A woman who proudly dates sugar daddies in exchange for lavish gifts and holidays worth thousands of pounds, has revealed their generosity has enabled her to tick off her bucket list.

Anastasia Robertson, 23, from Salford, Greater Manchester, who is a sugar baby, dating older men for gifts and or money, started stepping out with sugar daddies she met through the website Seeking Arrangement two years ago.

She asks all dates to sign an agreement saying their relationship is purely platonic, and her suitors have, so far, ranged in age from their 30s to their 50s, although she says she would see men in their 70s.

The care worker who is completely open about being a sugar baby, has enjoyed everything from paragliding to staying in exquisite hotels. And despite earning a modest £16,000 a year from her day job, she gets far more from her dates than just treats and money. 

Anastasia Robertson (pictured in Spain), 23, of Winton, Salford, Greater Manchester, turned to Seeking Arrangment to become a sugar baby two years ago

The care worker (pictured) who bought a four-bedroom house in 2016, has ticked off her entire bucket list 

The financially savvy singleton, who bought a four-bedroom house in 2016, explained that some of the men she dates are like mentors to her.

She said: ‘I find older men have more insight on life, I learn a lot from them, and they give me good advice.

‘Some of the men I date I see more like teachers who can guide me through situations in life.

‘All the men I meet are high-powered or have had really good careers, so I would definitely ask them to help career-wise later down the line too.

‘And I’ve had some amazing experiences and been able to tick things off my bucket list, thanks to them. I’ve been flown out to Spain on an all-inclusive holiday and I went on a yacht trip and paragliding.

‘A sugar daddy once paid for me to spend the night at Hotel Gotham – which is a really posh hotel in Manchester that I’ve always wanted to stay at, and another paid for me to get a dragon tattoo on my back.

‘I’ve had around £3,000 worth of presents as well. I’ve got a beautiful necklace, a leather rucksack, leather shoes and a bracelet too.’

Anastasia (pictured on holiday in Spain) said some of the men she dates are like teachers, guiding her through various situations in life

The 23-year-old (pictured) counts an all-inclusive holiday, yacht trip, paragliding and gifts worth around £3,000 among the lavish exchanges she’s received from sugar daddies 

Anastasia has also been given a necklace (pictured), a leather rucksack, leather shoes and a bracelet from wealthy older men

A self-professed ‘thrill seeker,’ Anastasia also sees her dates with sugar daddies as adventures.

She said: ‘Sugar daddies aren’t just walking, talking ATM machines – they’re still people.

‘For me, being a sugar baby is a hobby and going on dates breaks up my mundane weekly routine.

‘It’s just a fancy more exotic way of dating – and it’s nice to go on dates with men that will take you to fancy restaurants in exchange for your time

‘The oldest man I’ve dated was in his 50s, but I’m more than happy to go on dates with men in their 70s, too.

‘Even if they are old enough to be my granddad, it’s purely platonic and it’s a good experience with stimulating conversation. I find younger guys can be emotionally unavailable and financially unstable.

‘And even if I don’t have a connection with a sugar daddy, at least I’ve had a new experience and met someone new.’

Anastasia (pictured on holiday in Spain) met a previous boyfriend on Seeking Arrangement, who offered to fly her to Spain while he was there working

Speaking about the satisfaction that comes with sugar dating, she continued: ‘At the end of the day it’s mutually beneficial.

‘The sugar daddy is usually earning more money than he knows what to do with and would rather play the field than demand commitment – and I feel the same.’

Anastasia who has had arrangements with eight men, with professions ranging from a doctor, an engineer and a CEO so far, even met a previous boyfriend on Seeking Arrangement.

She said: ‘My ex-boyfriend was in his thirties, so he was quite young to be a sugar daddy.

‘We started chatting online and we just hit it off immediately.

‘He told me he was working as a musician in Spain and offered to pay to fly me out there.’

Throwing caution to the wind, she agreed, and a romantic relationship soon blossomed.

‘I know it sounds quite dangerous to fly to a foreign country to meet a stranger, but sometimes you just have to take the plunge,’ she said.

‘I went out to Spain as a sugar baby and we had a pre-agreed arrangement in place.

Anastasia (pictured in Spain) admits she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with sugar babies sleeping with sugar daddies, however she’s not happy to do it

Anastasia went to restaurants every day with her sugar daddy who became her boyfriend, however their spark fizzled out after they became intimate

‘But I really started to fancy him, and he did me, so we decided to make our relationship official.

‘I don’t think there is anything wrong with a sugar baby sleeping with her sugar daddy, but personally, I don’t want to demoralise myself like that and I’m not happy to do it.

‘Because we made it official, we did sleep together, and I put a stop to all my other sugar daddy arrangements.’

Despite their financial arrangement ending when their romance began, Anastasia’s sugar daddy-turned boyfriend still treated her to the finer things in life.

She said: ‘He bought me a beautiful necklace and paid for me to have a dragon tattooed on my back and we went out to restaurants every day.

‘He just really enjoyed spoiling me.’

However, three months after they became intimate, their love fizzled out and they parted earlier this year.

The 23-year-old (pictured paragliding in Spain) revealed she’s still open to meeting someone through SeekingArrangement, although her previous relationship didn’t work out

Anastasia (pictured in Spain) who also goes on dates using Tinder, said no one has liked her any less because she’s a sugar baby

‘Looking back we weren’t compatible, and we didn’t know each other well enough,’ she said.

She continued: ‘When the holiday was over and we were back in the UK, he didn’t want to tell anyone how we really met – and that was a bit of an issue for me, as I believe in honesty.

‘I suppose it was more of a holiday romance – we both just got caught up in the moment.’

Despite her love not lasting, Anastasia is still open to meeting someone through Seeking Arrangement if the right man comes along.

She added: ‘Right now I still go on dates with men I’ve met on Tinder or through friends, too.

‘I always tell them I’m a sugar baby and none of them have liked me any less because of it.

‘And if I met a sugar daddy who I have a genuine connection with I’d give it a go.’

Anastasia (pictured) has been warned to steer clear of salt daddies, men who make promises that are always too good to be true

Anastasia admits not all sugar daddies are sweetness and light, she’s been warned to steer clear of ‘salt daddies’.

She said: ‘A ‘salt daddy’ is obviously the opposite to a sugar daddy. Salt daddies promise you the world and what they’re saying always sounds too good to be true.

‘Sometimes they are fake people and sometimes they are just men that love to play the field and make promises to loads of girls at the same time.

‘They love getting girls’ hopes up and then letting them down.

‘The trouble is they can get away with it because on these websites there’s just too much choice,’ she said. 

Anastasia keeps her wits about her by being open with friends and families about her side-line as a sugar baby.

‘I’m really close to my mum and dad, so I told them,’ she revealed.

Anastasia (pictured in Spain) believes her parents aren’t any more worried about her going out as a sugar baby than when she goes on dates with conventional men

She continued: ‘It’s nothing to be ashamed of and my mum and dad fully support me, as long as I’m happy and keep to my morals.

‘My parents trust me to make the right decision, and I don’t think they’re any more worried about me going out as a sugar baby than they are going out on dates with a conventional guy.

‘I think it’s important to live in the moment and mix life up a little bit. I like excitement in my life, and I don’t like being stuck in a routine.

‘I enjoy being a sugar baby for the experience. I have fun dates and get to meet new people.

‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.’ 

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