‘Scum’ who attacked woman, 93, as she slept said "don’t f***ing die on us"

A gang of robbers dubbed 'scum' by police after they beat a 93-year-old woman as she slept said "don't f***ing die on us" after the attack.

The pensioner had been asleep when three masked men stormed into her home in Vauxhall at 2.25am on Wednesday.

One of them clamped a hand over her mouth while another warned her to be quiet as they began ransacking her home.

The gang were ready with tape to bind it around her mouth but despite this, the elderly woman tried to reason with them, telling them: "I'm 93, lad."

But one of them chillingly replied: "Well, make sure you don't f***ing die on us then."

Shocking pictures of the woman's heavy bruising on her face were released by her family and police this week in a bid to find her attackers.

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The 93-year-old's daughter told Liverpool Echo how the gang first forced a back kitchen door before locking and bolting the front door, and turning off the electricity.

They had brought tools and empty bin bags, in what appeared to be a targeted and highly-planned raid.

The thugs were at the semi-detached home for a whole hour, and went in every single room, pulling out each drawer, and emptying cupboards, looking for anything they could take.

In the end, they made off with £2,000 of the 93-year-old's pension money and her handbag, containing her credit cards.

After they left, the terrified woman was left in the darkness, and had to shuffle down the stairs on her bottom to get to the landline phone and raise the alarm.

The grandmother-of-seven, who does not wish to be named, rang her 70-year-old daughter, and was only able to stutter the words: "I've been burgled.

"…three masked men."

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She has said she never wants to return to the house where she has lived for 23 years and added that the experience has left her shaking, and sometimes retching.

Her daughter told the Liverpool Echo: "It's like we're living a nightmare, we can't believe this has happened.

"It's hideous.

"What an awful way to leave your home with that as a last memory.

"We're trying to tell her that these people are not worth it, and to not let them ruin her life, but it's difficult.

"These criminals, what do they do when they get home?

"Do they have a drink together, and laugh about having terrified a 93-year-old woman?

"I can't comprehend how they can be like that.

"Surely hardened criminals must also think this is dreadful?

"We just hope people come forward to tell the police who did it."

The 93-year-old lost her husband in 2001 but has always wanted to live at the family house alone.

Due to her health, a friend or relative is always with her during the day, and up to a fortnight ago, during the night too.

That was because of a fall she suffered, but she was keen to get back to normality, so the relative left in the evening recently.

The daughter added: "She's an old lady, she has nothing of value, what did they expect, something more?"

"My mum is a fighter, a typical Liverpool girl, and has a 'where there's a will, there's a way' kind of attitude.

"She's had a hard life, being born in 1926, and was 13 when the war broke out.

"She went through the Blitz. She was 21 when her mother died.

"We just want these men – you can't even call them men – caught to save anyone else going through the same thing."

Earlier this week, Chief Constable Cooke said: "This is horrendous. Please help us catch the scum who did this. And don't give me any of that no grass culture nonsense.

"This is a 93 year old woman in her own house who should be afforded respect and dignity.

"Someone knows who did this. Call us or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

A spokewoman for Merseyside Police added: "The woman was taken to hospital suffering from shock and bruising to her face.

"An investigation is underway and house-to-house, forensic and CCTV enquiries are being carried out in the local area."

Detective Sergeant Richie Shillito said: "Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their own homes and this was a particularly cowardly and despicable incident involving an elderly lady who was left badly shaken and with visible injuries.

“I know that members of the public will be shocked by what has taken place and I would appeal for their help in finding out who is responsible and bringing them to justice."

Anyone with information is asked to DM @MerPolCC, call 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 20000137884.

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