Ridiculously tiny puppy found dumped in rucksack in the woods

A sweet cockapoo puppy was rushed to the vets after witnesses saw him being dumped in a rucksack in Finchampstead Woods.

The tiny guy had collapsed by the time he arrived, seemingly unable to use his back legs.

The surgery reported the incident to the RSPCA, and his case is now being investigated.

It’s thought the puppy, who has since been named Watson, may have been abandoned due to his health issues, the exact nature of which is yet to be discovered.

Inspector Andy Eddy, who is now investigating the case, said: ‘The puppy is only approximately eight or nine weeks old and initially seemed very poorly when he was first taken in by the vets. 

‘Witnesses had been walking through the woods when they saw a man dump the bag – a black Reebok rucksack – before running off. When they looked inside the rucksack they discovered the little curly-haired pup in a paper bag.

‘Vets initially had concerns as the puppy didn’t appear to be able to use his rear legs and they suspected a neurological problem. However, they’ve run numerous tests and have been unable to come to a conclusion as to what is making him unsteady on his back legs.

‘He’s become stronger and is improving every day. He’s now bright and bouncy, and his mobility is much better. He can be weak on his rear end and has some strange episodes where he appears to go a little vacant, so this will be monitored.

‘I believe he may have been abandoned due to his health problems. Perhaps a breeder felt they’d be unable to sell him, or perhaps an owner was concerned about the cost of veterinary treatment.

‘Either way, I’m looking into the circumstances and would be keen to speak to anyone who saw the incident or who may know who is responsible to call us on 0300 123 8018. 

‘Times are hard, and we appreciate that pet ownership and vet bills can be expensive, but it is never acceptable to abandon an animal in this way, particularly one who is sick and vulnerable.’

Witnesses describe the man who was seen dumping Watson as speaking in a foreign language, wearing a black and white t-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap.

Watson has now been taken into the care of the RSPCA’s Millbrook Rescue Centre.

He’s due to be fostered by a member of staff, as he is not yet ready to be rehomed.

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