RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: A college campus where it's cool for cats

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Now one of our leading universities is demanding recognition for people who identify as felines… A college campus where it’s cool for cats

Germaine Greer was only half-joking, I think, when she waded into the incendiary debate about gender reassignment surgery.

‘I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that won’t turn me into a cocker spaniel,’ she said.

The pioneering feminist was using humour to make a serious point. She doesn’t believe that a man who has the chop and wears a dress is a woman.

It’s a view shared by the majority of people. But that didn’t stop the more militant members of the trans lobby going ballistic.

They are not noted for their sense of humour. Greer went straight to the top of their hate list of TERFs (so-called Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists). That’s despite the fact that, like me, she sympathises with those who feel they are trapped in the wrong body.

If someone wants to undergo surgery and identify as a member of the opposite sex, that’s fine. They are entitled to our understanding. But the ferociously intolerant trans brigade won’t leave it at that.

Germaine Greer (pictured) was only half-joking, I think, when she waded into the incendiary debate about gender reassignment surgery

They are determined to push the boundaries beyond reasonable limits and demonise anyone who dares to dissent.

For the past few years they have been seeking out new frontiers, like the crew of the Starship Enterprise. When Greer joked in 2015 about turning into a cocker spaniel she couldn’t in a million years have anticipated what madness would come next.

Yet now we learn that one of our leading universities is demanding recognition for people who identify as cats.

Beam me up, Scotty.

Bristol University, a member of the prestigious Russell Group, has just issued guidelines to staff on the correct pronouns to use when addressing those who define as ‘catgender’.

The list specifically refers to ‘xenic’ individuals who do not fit in to ‘the Western human binary of gender alignments’.

It describes a catgender person as ‘someone who strongly indentifies with cats and may experience delusions relating to being a cat or other feline’. It goes on: ‘For example, someone who is catgender may use nya/nyan pronouns.’ Apparently, nyan is Japanese for ‘meow’.

You couldn’t make it up.

How many people, especially at Bristol University, identify as cats? The only one I could think of, off the top of my head, was Nastassja Kinski in the 1982 movie Cat People, a remake of the 1942 original starring Simone Simon.

‘How many people, especially at Bristol University, identify as cats? The only one I could think of, off the top of my head, was Nastassja Kinski in the 1982 movie Cat People, a remake of the 1942 original starring Simone Simon, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN

Whenever she is sexually aroused she turns into a black leopard. As you do. I’m not aware of any male undergraduate at Bristol being mauled to death by a black leopard after pulling a bird at a students’ union disco, but you never know.

Now that catgender individuals have been officially recognised, it can only be a matter of time before there are demands for them to be provided with scratching posts and balls of string to cope with the stress of lectures and exams.

There won’t be any question of them having to climb over the college walls because they’ve been locked out after a night on the tiles. They can use the cat-flap in the door next to the porters’ lodge. And why stop at cats?

If you take this policy to its logical conclusion, students should be able to define as whatever species they choose, complete with their own pronouns. At this rate, Bristol University could soon resemble Noah’s Ark. They’ll be ripping out the urinals alongside the litter trays in the non-binary toilets and replacing them with lamp-posts for the convenience of students who define as dogs.

So if Germaine Greer does ever decide to become a cocker spaniel, she’ll be welcomed with open arms.


On a mission from Plod… 

You have to admire his chutzpah. Bernard Hyphen-Howe, the thoroughly discredited former Met Police chief, has applied to become head of the National Crime Agency, Britain’s so-called FBI.

We’re not talking J. Edgar Hoover here.

Hyphen-Howe ran the Yard during one of the most disgraceful periods in its history, presiding over a catalogue of vindictive and hideously expensive investigations into trumped-up allegations against blameless politicians, entertainers and journalists.

Bernard Hyphen-Howe (pictured), the thoroughly discredited former Met Police chief, has applied to become head of the National Crime Agency, Britain’s so-called FBI.

While he ruined the careers and reputations of innocent men, he eventually sailed off into the sunset with a peerage and a gold-plated pension worth at least £5 million. Or so we hoped. 

Now he fancies another crack at law enforcement, alongside one of his former partners in crime Steve Plodhouse, who was in charge of the shameful Operation Midland witch-hunt. Plodhouse is currently Number Two at the NCA, on a salary package nudging a quarter of a mill.

Incredibly, Hyphen-Howe and Plodhouse think they can put the band back together, like Jake and Elwood. Meet The Boys In Blue Brothers.

Hit it!

A 69-year-old plumber nicknamed Half Dead Dave by his workmates has been awarded £25,000 after winning a claim for age discrimination.

I wonder if Half Dead Dave is any relation of Drip Fed Fred, eponymous hero of a wonderful collaboration between Ian Dury and Madness.

He’d never have gone running to an industrial tribunal. Freddie was a man of class…

Our PM dad dancing? Outrageous! Alarming!

Readers of this column have been ahead of the game for months. Back in June last year, I christened Boris and Carrie ‘The Markles of Downing Street’.

That piece outlined how the PM, like Prince Harry, had undergone a 180-degree transformation after falling under the spell of his not so blushing bride.

Boris Johnson (pictured) was ‘pretty much ordered to dance’ to the music of Carrie’s favourite Abba in the Downing Street flat in January 2020 to celebrate Britain finally leaving the EU

It began: ‘There’s an expression to describe what’s happened to Boris’s brains since he hooked up with Carrie Symonds.

‘Unfortunately, it’s not suitable for a family newspaper but I’m sure some of you can work it out for yourselves.’

Now Lord Ashcroft’s new book, serialised in the Mail on Sunday this week, has put some juicy flesh on the bones.

As always, the really riveting stuff is in the detail.

One passage I particularly enjoyed was the description of a party in the Downing Street flat in January 2020 to celebrate Britain finally leaving the EU.

Boris was ‘pretty much ordered to dance’ to the music of Carrie’s favourite Abba. A source is quoted as saying:

‘Everyone was whooping and cheering as he did so. For a few seconds it was as though he was one of those dancing Russian bears. There was something rather sad about it.’

‘When I read that, I actually felt sorry for him. No heterosexual white man, especially one in his mid-50s, should ever be forced to dance in public. Especially to Abba, or anything else for that matter’, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN. Pictured: Carrie Johnson

When I read that, I actually felt sorry for him. No heterosexual white man, especially one in his mid-50s, should ever be forced to dance in public. Especially to Abba, or anything else for that matter.

I had visions of Boris as a cowed grizzly, being led around by the neck by a woman half his age.

Still, the way things are going: He may be out tomorrow if he can borrow . . .

Until then, the big attraction everywhere is Carrie Antoinette and her Amazing Dancing Bear.

The feminisation of football continues apace. This weekend’s FA Cup coverage on ITV was presented by a glamorous young woman who wouldn’t have looked out of place on Love Island.

I wasn’t sure whether she was reading her notes or checking her nails.

Meanwhile, for some reason, ITV now refers to the Man of the Match as ‘player’ of the match. Presumably, this is just in case Harry Kane has transitioned at half-time.

You have to sympathise with the ex-footballers on the panel. I’m reminded of the glorious Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse sketch, where they play two bewildered old pros being interviewed at half-time by a blonde.

‘Where’s the bloke, darling? Where’s the bloke?’

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