‘My best friend lost his leg in D-Day landings while I was on a different beach’

“My mum was very strict… I don’t ever remember her saying ‘I love you’.

"I was well taken care of, don’t get me wrong. But it was very much, children should be seen and not heard.”

“You used to have to say, ‘bless me, Father, for I have sinned’ and then you had to tell him a lot of things.. so I’d make things up.”

“Dancing. It’s the secret to a happy marriage. We danced, even when he was so ill we danced. Dancing is the answer. Everybody should dance.”

From home to school to the war, these are some of the memories and reflections of grandparents and great grandparents around the country for a unique video project.

Called The Silent Generation, the crowd-sourced project aims to preserve and share the stories of an older generation and record the wisdom and advice of those who have already clocked up many years of life.

The creators of the initiative are encouraging Brits to sit down with their elderly relatives, friends or neighbours, and get them reminiscing about their lives, on camera, through a series of questions.

Themes include growing up, work, love, war, triumph and tragedy and words of wisdom.

Among the videos already uploaded onto The Silent Generation website is one man’s memories about joining the D-Day landings with his best friend.

Answering the question, ‘who was your best friend’, he says: “Billy Breach. He and I became good friends.

“As we were getting a bit older, we knew we were going to get called up for the army.

"Billy Breach said to me, ‘I’m not going until they call me up’. But I went and joined when I was 17 and went in the army.

“By the time he went at 18 I’d already done my training.

“And then they had the Normandy landings, D-Day came, and we both went to Normandy at the same time, in different regiments.

"And he was immediately shot in the leg and came back with one leg.

“I still carried on being friends with him for a long time.

“Strangely enough there’s a funny little story to that. They found him a job in the Ministry of Defence as a messenger, with one leg, walking about.

“We always used to say, ‘if you had lost one arm, they’d have found you a job as a window cleaner’.

Another woman remembers how she was evacuated to Melkham, Wilshire, the day before war broke out.

She says: “We were all together with our little tags on, and our bags.

“I was put in this house, with another girl called Joan, with a woman who hadn’t got children.

“She was very nice, Mrs Hudd. She worked at the hospital as a volunteer.

"We shared a double bed in a room. Looking back I think she might have used us a bit, rubbing the kitchen floors and things but then that was OK.

“But this other girl, for some reason she was quite a vindictive girl and used to say things about my mum, which was daft when she didn’t even know her.

“The house mother heard her and made her move. So we were sad really because it wasn’t upsetting me particularly, but she must have thought it was to have got her moved. So that was a big thing.”

Another elderly woman gives her opinion about Donald Trump: “I think he’s trying to run America as a business.

“You cannot run a country like a business. He’s hired and fired so many people that he obviously doesn’t really know what he’s up to.

“When I asked my American grandson who he voted for he said Trump. I said, ‘well you’re an idiot’, and that probably tells you what I think of Trump.”

And another woman, responding to the question, ‘what is your talent?’, says: “Love. I’m blessed in that. Some people don’t ever find anybody to love and I’ve got about 20 of them, and I adore them all.

“Some people aren’t able to love even if they’ve got people there, but I think that is my one talent. I don’t have many others.”

Another man remembers how he would have to go to confession: “I used to go in there and think, ‘Well, I haven’t bloody done anything, I’m only a kid, what was I supposed to have done?’

“So I’d make things up. I’d say I pushed my grandmother down the escalator, or kicked my sister or something like that.

“Once I told a long story about pushing my grandmother over. Father Dempsey said, ‘Right, bend over’, whack, whack whack. Three strokes with the cane he went. For telling things that I had made up.”

The project creators are now appealing for people around the country to use their smartphones to film their own elderly friends and relatives answering the questions and post them on social media with the hashtag silentgeneration.

The website explains: “The Silent Generation is the name vernally given to the birth cohort of people born 1945 or earlier. So called because as children they were told to be ‘seen and not heard’.

“The Silent Generation is our oldest living generation. It is time we told their stories.”

  • To find out more about The Silent Generation project go to www.silentgeneration.com

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