Kelly Clarkson Had To Wear J.Lo’s Dress As A Scarf In An Absurd ‘World Of Dance’ Wardrobe Mix-Up

As you probably know, World of Dance returns to NBC this Tuesday night at 9 p.m. (yesss!) for season three, right after The Voice. And, as you probably also know, Kelly Clarkson is a judge on The Voice, and Jennifer Lopez is a judge on World of Dance.

Here’s why these ridiculously obvious statements matter: Apparently, the stages for the two shows are so close that someone mixed up the wardrobes for J. Lo and Kelly.

So, Kelly got J. Lo’s clothes, J. Lo got Kelly’s clothes, and I got crazy-jealous of them both.

The two revealed the “accidental” clothing swap in a jokey promo for World of Dance and The Voice. J. Lo kicked things off by filming herself on her phone going into her dressing room to see what goodies awaited her and got understandably confused when a shirt she pulled out said “K.C.” on it. “What?!” she said.

Kelly also realized something was off right away after she found a bedazzled dress that wasn’t her size. “Oh, it’s cute—it’s a size four!” she announced to someone off-camera. “Who put this in my room?”

J. Lo also stumbled upon a “Team Kelly” jacket and instantly fell in love with it. So she threw it on, grabbed a few other pieces, and headed to Kelly’s room where she explained the mix up. “I was like, haha, dream big because…I can’t fit into that!” Kelly joked, gesturing to the glittery, sparkly clothes.

After laughing about the mix-up, J. Lo asked Kelly, “Do you mind if I keep the jacket? I kind of love your jacket.” Of course, Kelly let her because, J. Lo.

Can’t get enough of J.Lo (me neither)? Here’s everything you need to know about her and her fellow ‘World of Dance’ judges:

But before J.Lo could return to her dressing room, she told Kelly she needed a particular dress back…that Kelly was wearing around her neck like a scarf (oops).

As J. Lo left, Kelly did possibly the most relatable thing ever. She whispered “I love you” toward J. Lo’s back as the door closed. Same, Kelly, same.

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