JANET STREET-PORTER: Banning Michael Jackson’s music won’t stop abuse

JANET STREET-PORTER: I suspect Michael Jackson WAS guilty but banning his amazing music won’t get it out of our heads and it won’t stop a single child being abused in the future

Michael Jackson (pictured in 1988) is on trial again a decade after he died 

Should we ban one of the greatest pop musicians of the 20th century on moral grounds? That decision is even harder when the music in question was the sound track of our lives – played at weddings, birthdays and the happiest occasions. Michael Jackson’s work, according to one critic, is ‘irresistible’…it ‘insinuates itself into your brain’. That skill is the holy grail of any aspiring pop artist and Jackson was a genius.

A controversial figure for decades (the skin whitening, nose remodelling and cosmetic surgery) until his death in 2009 – the singer was never found guilty of sexually exploiting children, but persistent rumours and stories of huge payoffs refused to go away. What were all these little boys getting up to at his Neverland estate?

Was it really OK for an adult to surround themselves with kids for sleepovers? What did the lavish presents, the toys and the trips to Disneyland really buy? And when a middle aged man sends a video to a little boy saying ‘I love you’- should the parents not be asking questions?

In 2003, Martin Bashir spent eight months at close quarters with Jackson, managing to interview the singer for more than ten hours. The resulting documentary – Living With Michael Jackson – contained some explosive admissions.

Jackson freely volunteered that he invited children to sleep in his bed, although he claimed he slept on the floor of the same room. ‘It’s not sexual’, he whispered, in that curiously high pitched little voice. He was clearly besotted by the story of Peter Pan, the little boy who never grows old. Weird, innocent or perverted? Bashir was obviously favoured because of his dynamite interview with Princess Diana, whom Jackson idolised.

In spite of all of this worrying stuff, fans all over the world still bought millions and millions of Michael Jackson records. Eventually the police brought charges, after Gavin Arvizo claimed he had been molested when he was 13.

At Jackson’s trial for sexually inappropriate behaviour in 2005, he was acquitted of all charges after the jury had deliberated for just one day.

Now, a decade after his death, Jackson is on trial again, with the screening of Leaving Neverland, a documentary airing on Channel Four this week.

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In the film, two of his ‘special’ friends- James Safechuck and Wade Robson go into graphic detail about their alleged sexual relationship with Michael Jackson, which started when they were less than ten years old.

As a result of the harrowing testimony in this film, high profile rock critics and commentators have started to debate whether you can divorce the man from his art. Put bluntly, has the time finally come to bin everything by the High Prince of Pop?

Not everyone is convinced – the Jackson family have sprung to his defence, claiming that the men are falsifying what happened and trying to diminish Michael’s legacy by cashing in on their friendship.

It’s taken us a long time to adopt the moral high ground when it comes to pop music. We all knew that Led Zeppelin were more than interested in 14 year old girls.

Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones – who had been extremely close to Mandy Smith since she was 13 years old (with her mother’s approval), finally married her when she turned 18.

Elvis Presley became infatuated with Priscilla when she was 14. After they married and she gave birth to Lisa Marie, Presley never had sex with her again. Priscilla also revealed that Presley never saw her naked. All of these stories were out there – and yet fans still bought (and continue to buy) music by these rock gods of yesteryear.

Post the Jimmy Saville scandal, a new era of soul-searching has been instigated by the thought police, who want any artist who has indulged in sexual activity of an unacceptable kind (by today’s standards) to be confined to the dustbin of popular culture.

Michael Jackson with Gavin Arvizo who claimed he had been molested when he was 13. The singer was acquitted of all charges at his trial in 2005 

From The Police to Aerosmith, to Frank Zappa and Status Quo, there’s no shortage of pervy songs about underage girls. Are we more disgusted by Jackson because the allegations involve young boys? By today’s puritanical standards, we should have thrown away Girl of My Best Friend and Always on my Mind by Elvis, two of my favourite tracks of all time.

Two rock critics discussed Michael Jackson on the radio the other day, and one (from the Guardian, where else?) said ‘we must not allow deification to happen’. Another pontificated ‘child abuse is vile and we have to be strong and bullish to stop it in our lifetime’.

Do you think that musical censorship will achieve anything positive? On that basis, given the level of child abuse within the Catholic church, should all believers boycott Mass?

The argument rages – by playing Jackson’s songs we glorifying ‘profit made from pain’, according to one commentator.

Many of the young people who were befriended by Michael Jackson were taken to Neverland by their parents, mums and dads who somehow didn’t question this very odd set of affairs. The same families would later accept huge financial settlements in order to remain silent.

Other children have sold their stories over and over again. I don’t doubt that Michael Jackson abused his power and probably groomed and mistreated children. But as he is no longer here to defend himself, what is to be achieved?

The current fashion is to ‘purify’ and culturally eliminate people whose behaviour we find reprehensible. Kevin Spacey (not found guilty to date) has seen parts dry up and his past work no longer shown on even the most obscure cable channel.

Gary Glitter is alive but his work is no longer played on the radio. The BBC stand accused of imposing an unofficial ban on Jackson’s work on radio 2. Who knows? It might smack of moral rectitude and political correctness, but sanitising pop music will never work.

Once you’re been sucked into a great pop song, it never leaves your head. Michael Jackson has invaded our brains, I’m afraid, and the thought police can do very little about it. Putting Thriller or Off the Wall in the dustbin won’t stop a single child being groomed in 2019.

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