I was furloughed as a man but will go back to work as a woman after lockdown – The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE I’VE changed gender and now plan to go back to work as a woman – though my employers think I’m still a man.

I’m 21. I was furloughed but am due to start back at work next week.

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For the last two years I have been feeling more and more that I need to live as a woman and being furloughed felt like a chance to make the change.

DEIDRE SAYS: There are laws to protect you against discrimination at work due to your gender.

Please do inform your employers in advance of your return to work so that they can be prepared.

It would be a tough phone call to make.

So write either to the HR department or your line manager or overall boss, depending on who you think most understanding.

You can also find help through the Beaumont Society, which supports the trans community.

For details see beaumontsociety.org.uk or call 01582 412220.

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