How Meghan Markle Pays Tribute to Princess Diana Through Jewelry

They say when you marry someone, you marry their family as well, so impressing your in-laws is of the utmost importance. For the Duchess of Sussex, that saying is even truer. The approval and acceptance of her new royal family are paramount to the success of her relationship with Prince Harry and her standing in England.

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One of the most important people to impress is typically your significant other’s mother. Unfortunately, Meghan Markle never got the chance to wow Princess Diana with her beauty and charm, but that doesn’t mean that Markle isn’t constantly paying tribute to her mother-in-law.

How does Markle keep Diana around?

Since her death, Harry and Prince William have always tried to do things to keep their mother’s spirit alive and her memory vivid in their minds. Since Markle married Harry, she has joined in on the efforts.

One way that the Ducchess shows homage to the late Princess is through her choices in jewelry.

After announcing that she and Harry would be having a new baby, Markle took some of her mother-in law’s jewelry on tour with her. The day after Harry and Markle landed in Australia for their first royal tour as a married couple, Markle wore a gold bracelet that belonged to Diana.

The former actress also wore a pair of Diana’s butterfly earrings while in Australia.

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The Duchess of Sussex will become Patron of four organisations that reflect the causes and issues with which she has long been associated including the arts, access to education, support for women and animal welfare. Her Majesty The Queen has passed on two patronages to The Duchess of Sussex –The National Theatre and The Association of Commonwealth Universities. The Queen has held the roles for 45 and 33 years respectively. Her Royal Highness will also take on Patronage of two additional charities as part of her official working portfolio – Smart Works and Mayhew. Visit the link in our bio to find out more. Phil Noble / Reuters

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On Markle’s wedding day, she wore an aquamarine ring that belonged to the late Princess to her wedding reception at Frogmore House.

And most recently, the Duchess wore that same ring in Tonga while on her royal tour.

Markle’s engagement ring

From the very beginning of their relationship, the couple has honored Diana through jewelry. Even the engagement ring that Harry gave Markle ties back to his mother.

Markle’s ring has three diamonds. The one in the middle is one that the Prince chose from Botswana, but the two on the side are from his mother’s personal collection.

Did Markle get banned from wearing the Queen’s jewelry?

Recently, The Sun claimed that the Queen had banned Markle from wearing some of the jewelry in the Royal Collection. This was reportedly due to the fact that Princess Diana’s jewelry was causing tension between Harry and William so the Queen stepped in because Kate Middleton is higher up in the royal line of succession.

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But senior royal sources told Vanity Fair that the Queen never banned Markle from wearing Diana’s jewelry.

“I find it very unlikely,” one source said. “It’s not the kind of thing the Queen would do. She is very generous when it comes to lending jewels to her family.”

Would Diana have liked Markle?

Though Markle and his mother never got to meet, Harry has made it clear that he thinks Diana would have loved his new wife.

“They’d be thick as thieves, without question,” Harry told the BBC during his and Markle’s engagement interview.

“I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, so excited for me. But I think she would have been best friends with Meghan.”

Read more: Royal Split: What Does Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Splitting the Royal Household Mean?

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