Here’s The First Person Who Got Sent Home On ‘Love Island’ U.S.

There are certain instances when being first is the best — when you’re the first person on the moon, the first person in cool, fresh sheets, the first person with an amazingly exclusive pair of sneakers. One time when you don’t want to be first, though, is getting bounced out of a reality show. Like Michael on the brand-new U.S. version of Love Island. Why did Michael go home on Love Island? Well, someone has to be first, and he really just wasn’t connecting with the other women on the show.

It didn’t have to be this way. When Michael first came on the scene way back… four days ago, he was hot to trot and definitely the man that all the girls (minus Alana, who only and always has eyes for Yamen) were scoping out. But, much like the Fiji weather systems, things change very quickly in the Love Island house. Dillon and Cormac jumped into the mix, and all the girls were awash in options. It’s too bad that none of those options in the end included Michael. Michael’s problem was that so many of the women on the show were good with their current partners — Alana, Kyra, Elizabeth, Mallory, and Alex were all feeling nice and set. The only one who didn’t was Caro, who’s been in a tailspin since Kyra snatched up Cashel, Caro’s original man. That’s how the game works, even if it hurts. And it does hurt.

Michael just never seemed to vibe as deeply with the women as the other guys — Cormac and Dillon just showed up and they were able to secure themselves more time on Love Island — and it’s probably because Michael is so shy. Yes, it takes a necessary amount of narcissism to want to be on television, but the first week of a show like this is always really, really tough. It’s a huge group of new people, and from the first minute, you’re sharing hopes, dreams, visions, fears… Oh, and you’re sharing beds. That means you’re sharing nighttime farts and snores and morning breath. That’s like, months-into-dating stuff, when you’re over being on your best behavior.

Michael is a Shrek-like onion, made of many layers, and maybe he just wasn’t comfortable with automatically having to spoon with everyone to see who he liked. As he said when he first arrived in Fiji, he may seem like a player, but that’s the last thing he wants. Michael is there for a real relationship, and unfortunately, he didn’t get it this time.

Don’t worry too much for Michael, though — he’s aggressively handsome, seems really kind, pretty smart, and fairly thoughtful. This hunk of a man is definitely going to land on his feet when he gets back to the United States. There will be women lining up for him. And if that doesn’t work, hey — Love Island probably has more tricks up its sleeve. Maybe he’ll make an appearance on the show again, because anything (really, anything) can happen on Love Island.

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