Disabled Spice Girls fan ‘made to feel like fraud’ over concert wheelchair drama

A disabled Spice Girls fan says she was made to feel a fraud when watching the pop group's concert from an area designed for people with disabilities because she wasn't in a wheelchair.

Becky Hilton, who suffers from severe epilepsy, claims she was even advised 'to put on a limp’ so she didn't look out of place in the designated space by the stage.

Ticketmaster advised her to go into this area because of her condition, which is so bad she can no longer drive and had to give up her career as a support worker.

The 36-year-old from Plymouth was attending the girl group's gig in Ashton Gate, Bristol, as part of their sell-out tour, with her sister Jess, who was accompanying her as a carer.

But when they arrived at the venue, she claims a succession of stewards and security staff questioned them about their presence in the disabled area as neither was in a wheelchair.

The experience left Becky furious and spoiled the enjoyment of the concert, reports Bristol Live.

One steward said the pair ‘looked like nice girls so they could stay’ leaving Becky flabbergasted – despite being entitled to be there.

The stress and upset of the experience contributed to her having a seizure later that night after the concert.

Stadium bosses have now launched an investigation into exactly what happened.

Becky said: "It’s really, really crap having a condition like epilepsy – it means I can’t work, can’t do a lot of stuff, and I’m constantly worried about seizures.

“The only bit of silver lining on this cloud is to be able to go to gigs like this, and I’d been really looking forward to it. You get so excited, and to have it ruined by the very people who were there to make sure I was ok is mortifying."

Becky is registered disabled and when she bought tickets to see the Spice Girls, Ticketmaster advised her to go into the designated disabled area at Ashton Gate, marked A4 in the stadium.

“Ticketmaster told me that, given my condition, I needed to be in the disabled area,” Becky explained.

“If I were to have a seizure at the concert and was in the standing area on the pitch, I’d be vulnerable from others around me. If I was sitting in the regular seats, then it would be difficult for people to access me to help me.

“They advised me it would be better for me to be in the disabled area, as I need space around me if I have a seizure, where it would be safe for me to fall."

But Becky said that from their very first interaction with stewarding staff, they were made to feel like they shouldn’t be there.

"We got into the stadium and asked the first steward how to access A4, where our tickets were for," she said.

“He looked me up and down and said 'are you sure this is your ticket? It’s a disabled ticket'."

The man directed Becky and Jess to a lift to take them up to the disabled area.

"Waiting for the lift was a young girl and her carer who it seemed had just had a very similar experience," she added.

"While we were waiting and then in the lift, she told me she suffered from MS and had been in hospital and in a wheelchair the previous week, and was determined to be well enough for the gig, and so proud that she’d recovered enough to be able to go and walk in.

"She told me she was mortified to have to be questioned like that."

But Becky said when the lift doors opened onto the corridor to access the disabled area, they were confronted by a female steward.

"Before we’d even got out of the lift, this woman was walking towards us with her hand out to say ‘stop’, and she said: ‘Girls, girls, no, we’re in the wrong area, this is the disabled area but you’re not in wheelchairs!’" said Becky.

"The girl with MS in the lift with us was very agitated, as she didn’t have any proof of her condition – you don’t really carry it with you," she added.

Becky and Jess and, for a while at least, the other two girls, were allowed in to the disabled area, but were not allowed to be left alone to enjoy the gig.

She continued: "First of all this woman steward kept coming up to us and challenging us. She started saying 'well I haven’t got any seats for you', which was fine because we were happy to stand.

"Then she was saying ‘you’ve put me in a really difficult position here’, and eventually my sister took her to one side and had a quiet but forceful word with her.

“She left us to it then, but then a male security guard came past and looked us up and down and started on us again.

“He said to us: ‘You shouldn’t be in here but you look like nice girls, I’ll let it go’.

“The two girls who came up in the lift with us were moved away from the disabled area and I don’t know where they ended up. Then the man came past us again about 20 minutes later and said: ‘I tell you what, girls, if you are walking anywhere, put a limp on’.

“I was really upset by this, and my sister challenged him, saying: ‘why on Earth would you say that?!’ and his answer was to say that he was disabled too, as if this made it alright.”

Becky said that for the rest of the gig, the stewards and security guards were constantly monitoring them.

“I’m not a shoplifter, but it felt like when you’re in a shop and realise the security guard is watching you – they were gathered in little groups near us, looking at us and talking about us, it was really uncomfortable,” she said.

“I don’t want any money back, or any compensation or anything like that, I just want things to get better for people who are disabled but not visibly so, in a wheelchair or something.

“I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what we did. It was awful.

“I really feel for the other girl who had MS too, as she felt the same as me.

“The fact that not all disabled people are in wheelchairs should be the first page of the basic level training session for anyone who is a steward in the disabled area. Their job was to check my ticket and that’s it.

“Disabled people have a choice whether or not to go to disabled areas, but when I booked the ticket I had to supply Ticketmaster with my details and medical confirmation, and they advised me I should."

Dave Storr, Ashton Gate's head of stadium safety and security, said he's apologised to Becky, and an investigation has taken place and continues.

“We have spoken with Ms Hilton and have investigated her complaint thoroughly," he said.

"We apologise for her experience and understand that the confusion arose due to Ticketmaster selling disabled tickets in a disabled bay specifically for wheelchair users.

"The configuration of these bays is space for one wheelchair with a fixed seat beside it.

"Ms Hilton was (rightly) questioned by a staff steward when she arrived at the disabled bay and walked out of the lift alongside her sister and two other ladies – none of whom were using wheelchairs.

"At this point there was only one wheelchair bay space left with one fixed seat alongside it.

"The steward asked the group, as they appeared in a four, if they were in the right place, as she only had one bay left with one fixed seat.

"It transpired the first two ladies were in the wrong area and were directed back downstairs. It was then apparent Ms Hilton was not with the other two and had taken offence that she’d been questioned.

"At this point the steward realised it was a mistake by Ticketmaster and arranged for an additional seat to be brought up to the bay so that Ms Hilton and her sister could sit and enjoy the concert."

Mr Storr said an investigation was continuing to find the steward who made the inappropriate comments to Becky, and it was thought that he was an agency steward.

"We have been unable to identify the male steward (as yet) that allegedly told Ms Hilton to 'walk with a limp'," he said.

"Because of her description of where this steward was we believe he was an agency staff steward.

"This by no means mitigates Ashton Gate’s responsibility to ensure all staff are sufficiently trained in helping people with disabilities.

"We are now undertaking a review of the training that agency staff receive in helping our disabled fans enjoy the stadium and thank Ms Hilton for bringing it to our attention."

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