Daily horoscope for December 15: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast
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Today’s horoscope kicks off with the Waxing Crescent Moon just one sign away from the Sun. Capricorn is the 10th astrological sign of the zodiac, holding a spot in the Earth house of elements. Astrologers consider Capricorn to be a fairly responsible and disciplined influence – a characteristic of the Earth house of the Zodiac.
People with a strong Capricorn presence in their lives are said to be good managers who show a good degree of self-control.
But this influence may at times become overbearing, and descend into condescension and the inability to let bygones be bygones.
Today, chances are you going to get things done thanks to added influence of the Sun in Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and represents the Fire house of elements.
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According to astrologer Debra Silverman of Debra Silverman Astrology and Astrology Answers, this allows you to see the bigger picture today.
The astrologer said: “Their value is being able to look at things from the angle of the observer.
“They have a really funny, humourous attitude of standing up above.
“The cool thing about Moon in Capricorn is they make a list.”
And if that was not enough, tomorrow (December 16) the ringed giant Saturn will be officially done with Capricorn.
According to Ms Silverman, the next two-and-a-half years will see Saturn exert its influence from the sign of Aquarius.
So with the Moon in Capricorn and Saturn, you will see your practical demands wrap up – at least as far as the collective is concerned.
Ms Silverman said: “Moon in Capricorn never gets done doing its work.”
Another cosmic influence to be aware of today is the planet of love, Venus.
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On Tuesday, Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius together with the Sun.
So if you look at the bigger picture today and tomorrow, think about how you can get around to organising yourself and your work.
Perhaps there is an email that has been sitting in your draft box for too long?
Or maybe there is a list of things you need to work through without further delay?
Ms Silverman said: “Tuesday and Wednesday is a ‘get things done day’.
“And Venus is there saying, ‘Make sure you’re having fun.'”
We left Venus in Capricorn, we’re leaving Saturn in Capricorn and that raises the question: is there anything you have left behind?
Read more about your daily horoscope with astrologer Russell Grant here.
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