Bride wants to dump sister from wedding party because she is pregnant

‘I told her I didn’t want any visibly pregnant bridesmaids’: Bridezilla wants to dump her sister from her wedding party because she is expecting a baby

  • A bride-to-be says she is unhappy about her sister’s decision to get pregnant 
  • She says she told her sister the dates she was planning on getting married 
  • She’d wanted her sister to be a bridesmaid before she found out the news 

An unhappy bride-to-be has said she no longer wants her pregnant sister to be a bridesmaid on her big day.

The woman, who took to Facebook to vent her frustration, said she made it perfectly clear to her sister, and her bridal party, she didn’t want any pregnant bridesmaids.

‘I informed her that I didn’t want any visible pregnant bridesmaids in my party and it’s my personal preference,’ the anonymous bride wrote on a post. 

‘Here it is Feb and she tells me she is pregnant which means she will be eight months around my big day.’ 

An unhappy bride-to-be has said she doesn’t want her pregnant sister to be part of her wedding party (stock image)

The bride said she’d told her sister last August she was planning on marrying in August 2019.

While she said her sister told her she was ‘shooting for conception’ April 2019, she said it now turns out she’s pregnant, and that she will be eight months along come the bride’s wedding day. 

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The situation has left bride-to-be ‘lost at how to proceed’ as she said she had expressed her ‘preference’ for no pregnant bridesmaids to her entire bridal party. 

‘In no way do I expect anyone to conceive due to my wedding, but I feel it’s my choice to make decisions as a result of this new scenario,’ she continued. 

She ended her post with a plea for help from her community, saying ‘any insight is appreciated’.

‘I informed her that I didn’t want any visible pregnant bridesmaids in my party and it’s my personal preference,’ the miffed bride-to-be wrote 


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Those who’d read details of the woman’s dilemma struggled to find any sympathy toward her over her stance on not inviting her pregnant sister to be a bridesmaid.

One woman, Lynne wrote: ‘If it meant so much for your sister to be in the wedding you wouldn’t care if she was preggo or not.

‘She sounds like an awful person and I wouldn’t be in her wedding if she paid me.’

A second, Brittany, chimed in saying ‘God forbid she ‘ruins’ your wedding to give you a niece or nephew to love for the rest of your life. How dare she.’

‘What is with all these crazy brides that want everyone else to put their lives on hold up to the day they get married,’ a third named Deanna wrote.

‘Like no new jobs, no new babies, no weddings, no new partners…’ 

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