8 Weird Gifts To Give To Your Girlfriend, So Think Twice Before Buying These

When it comes to gift-giving, it truly is the thought that counts. But sometimes when you receive a gift that’s unexpected, confusing, or just plain weird, you might wonder what the thought behind the gift actually was. It’s totally normal to be unsure of what to give someone as a gift, especially someone you’re dating. You want to impress them, make them smile, and make them feel loved, but that doesn’t always turn out to be the case. If you’re in the market for a gift, try to avoid these weird gifts to give your SO.

Getting a weird gift from someone you’re dating is a pretty common experience, and I’ve certainly been there. Once on my birthday, my boyfriend at the time gave me a huge gift bag. Inside were a ton of cat-themed things — books about cats, toys for cats, mugs with cats on them, socks with cats on them… I could continue, but I won’t. We’d been dating for nine months and it seemed like the only thing he knew about my personality was that I had a cat. If you looked at that gift, you might think I had no other defining attributes. Listen — is that the worst gift in the world? No. But it’s a little weird, IMO. I am not alone in getting a strange gift now and then, so read on to hear about a few truly odd gifts real women have received from their SO.

Is Creepy The New Cute?

— Iman, 23

Surprise Delivery

— Allie*, 24

Good Vibes

— Annie, 25

Llama Mama

— Hannah, 25

Keep It Clean

— Kelly, 24

Number One Fan

— Morgan, 25

No Way, Lingerie

— Christy, 23

The Sound Of Music

— Elisha, 30

If you receive a gift from a SO that’s just plain weird, take heart. Even if the gift itself isn’t that great, you’ll get a lot of mileage out of telling the story of the gift at dinner parties forever. And that’s a pretty valuable gift, if you ask me.

*Name has been changed.

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