11-year-old boy mows lawns to raise money for Black Lives Matter organization

Like many kids, 11-year-old Jack Powers started earning his own money by mowing his neighbors’ lawns. But he’s not keeping the cash. Powers put up flyers around his Shrewsbury, Missouri, neighborhood that read: “$15 per mow. All money goes to Black Lives Matter.”

The 6th grader said he came up with the idea in the beginning of June, CBS affiliate KMOV reports. “I saw what happened to George Floyd and saw how people were being treated and I decided to make a change,” Powers said. 

His neighbor, April Strelinger, told KMOV she was almost brought to tears when she saw Powers’ flyers in the neighborhood. The boy’s mission sparked a conversation within her own household, Strelinger said. 

“There’s been a lot of change, flux and hardship. So, to see Jack’s poster and find a helper, it actually opened up a great conversation with my son about how he can be a helper,” she said. “It was a beautiful thing,”

Powers said after he posted the flyers, he received an overwhelming response – and some people didn’t even need him to cut their grass. They just wanted to donate, KMOV reports. 

Streinger was one of the ones who didn’t need her lawn mowed, but she felt compelled to give money.

So far, Powers has raised $110 for Black Lives Matter (BLM), he said.

“I just hope more people will be inspired to donate money to organizations,” he said. 

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