The Easter Bunny sex position is perfect for frisky couples during lockdown

EASTER is just around the corner, and if you want to be at it like rabbits on Sunday we have just the bedroom move for you. 

The Easter Bunny sex position is ideal for frisky couples on lockdown and will turn you into an animal in the boudoir. 

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The themed move is a sexy twist on the old favourite doggy, and perfect if you want to try something a bit new.

Have your partner kneel behind you in the classic doggy position, and then lean forward and provide your partner with a deep angle of penetration. 

Using your hands for support, you can bounce forwards and backwards using your thighs. 

And to really embrace the Easter theme, why not add a rampant rabbit vibrator into the mix too. 

If you are stuck in isolation with your partner, you could also try the aptly-named The Lockdown sex position, which is said to be extremely erotic once you master it. 

To get into position, the man props himself up, bending his legs and supporting his weight on his bent arms.

The woman then gets on top facing him in a cowgirl position, with her legs locked round his body for support. 


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She then places one hand on his chest and the other on his thigh to balance, and then can rock back and forth. 

It may take a few attempts to master, but it could be worth it to reap the rewards. 

A recent poll revealed 27 per cent of Brits would like to use their time in quarantine to 'have more sex'.

And now you have the perfect chance.

Why not give the Corona-Cowgirl position a go, which also sees the girl on top in a cowgirl position. 

Meanwhile, the Covid-69 is a playful twist on the tried and tested classic. 

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