Professional cleaner shares her £2 must-have product & how to use it to clean everything from the loo to the dishwasher

A PROFESSIONAL cleaner has revealed her one must-have product that can clean the WHOLE house and it costs under £3.

Queen of clean Lynsey Crombie, who was a professional cleaner for eight years, loves natural cleaning hacks but said you can’t go wrong with antibacterial washing up liquid. 

The author and TV cleaning expert said you can literally clean everything with a good antibacterial washing up liquid. 

Lynsey, who shares her cleaning tips with her 249,000 Instagram followers, loved working with older clients as they taught her old fashioned cleaning methods such as cleaning with bicarb and white vinegar.

The cleaning expert said: “Antibacterial washing up liquid is my top must-have product, you can clean literally everything in your home with a good washing up liquid! 

“My two absolute favourites are Fairy which you can buy in most supermarkets or Teepol Gold which is only available direct from their website. The price is around £1.50 to £2. 

“Both of these are antibacterial so give me that added confidence when cleaning and a little goes a long way, so a bottle does last ages.”

Lynsey revealed washing up liquid can be used to clean everything so it is a great all-around, all-purpose cleaner. 

Revealing her top cleaning advice, Lynsey encouraged people to just buy what they need and don’t have cupboards full of products. 

She said it is best to work against the clock and do little and often cleaning to keep on top of things. 

She added: “Antibacterial washing up liquid cleans everything, you can even clean your car with it! 

“Diluted, it makes a good all-around all-purpose clean for all around the home and it is also great for carpet and clothing stains used neat and left to sit for a while. 

“It is also not too harsh on your hands, so you don’t have to wear rubber gloves if you don’t want to.

“Also, safe to use around children and pets plus it won’t cause any damage.”

Other than antibacterial washing up liquid, cleaning expert Lynsey revealed she uses lots of other products around the home. 

The TV cleaning star, who recently released her book Queen of Clean – The 15-Minute Clean: The quickest way to a sparkling home, said white vinegar is another great cleaning product.

White vinegar is also a great natural descaler for kettles and coffee machines as it removes hard watermarks, limescale and mould patches.

Lynsey added: “I like Mr Sheen mist spray as well as this is a great polish for furniture and glass, and leaves a great shine, smells amazing and you don’t need much! 


  • Use denture tablets to clean the toilet instead of bleach. You can also use these to clean out water bottles and stop them from smelling. 
  • Keep a small selection of cleaning products in your bathroom, this saves you time collecting cleaning products together. 
  • Turn off distractions when cleaning, put your phone on aeroplane mode this way you will be more productive.
  • Always dust before your vacuum. Dust falls and then vacuum, this will save you vacuuming twice.
  • White shaving foam is a great carpet stain remover so if you drop any makeup, run to the bathroom cupboard rather than the cleaning cupboard. 

“Nana’s Secret is another good product. The natural cleaning clay cleans, polishes, and leaves a protective film. 

“It comes with a sponge that you keep in the product tub and smells of lemons! I love to use this to clean up my sinks. 

“Lifebuoy antibacterial wipes are also great; these are biodegradable and eco-friendly but are great for quick toilet cleans and are great to have in your handbag for when out and about, for wiping coffee tables and trollies.” 

Elsewhere the cleaning expert referred to Bona Tile’s stone and laminate cleaner as one of her favourite products for the home. 

She described it as a great floor cleaner that leaves floors streak-free, antibacterial, and you don’t need to use much.

It also has no smell and leaves tiles really shiny. 

Cleaning expert Lynsey also revealed her top three cleaning tips for bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms to ensure you keep a clean home. 

She said: “In the bathroom, keep a squeegee in your shower so when you get out, you can quickly remove the water from your shower door and tiles, this will stop hard water and limescale build-up, saving you that tough clean. 

“In the kitchen, if you use any lemons in your cooking don’t chuck them away. 

Antibacterial washing up liquid is my top must-have product, you can clean literally everything in your home with a good washing up liquid!

“Use the left-over lemon to clean, great for cleaning up chopping boards with salt and great for popping on the end of your tap to remove limescale. 

“For the bedroom, always air the bed in the morning. Pull back the sheets, open the window and let it air.

“A fresh-smelling bed will stop nasty odours and don’t store stuff under your bed as this collects dust.”

The cleaning expert also revealed her top cheap cleaning hacks to make cleaning easier and quicker without splurging on pricey products. 

Her first tip is to mix a squirt of washing up liquid with 20ml of white vinegar into a bottle with water.

She said this makes a cheap powerful cleaning product. 

Lynsey’s book Queen of Clean – The 15-Minute Clean: The quickest way to a sparkling home is available on Amazon .

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