Meghan & Harry ‘belittled Royals’ in statement which ‘lacked any love’ despite Queen keeping door open, expert says

MEGHAN Markle and Prince Harry have officially quit the Royal Family following their 12-month Megxit review, Buckingham Palace announced today.

Both parties released a statement on the development, and royal author Phil Dampier said the Sussexes’ statement "belittled the royal family" and "lacked love".

Just moments after Buckingham Palace confirmed the couple would be officially stepping down, Harry and pregnant Meghan released a short statement saying they would "remain committed" to the UK.

Phil pointed out that while the Queen’s message was "generous" towards the Sussexes, their reply "lacked compassion", and didn’t mention the family at all.

A spokesperson for the Duke and Duchess said: “As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role. 

“We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.”

Phil, author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan In Their Own Words, told Fabulous: “Harry and Meghan's statement seemed to lack any love or compassion, which is very sad.

“While the Queen wants to leave the door open and generously hasn't stripped them of their royal titles, they have given nothing in return.

“The tone of Harry and Meghan’s press release is quite pointed.

“To say ‘service is universal’ and that anyone can serve is a shot back at the royal family and I think the Queen will be distraught at this turn of events.

“She is very fond of Harry and she must feel very let down by him.

“She will put up a brave front and say Harry and Meghan are much loved members of the family, but in reality she will be devastated and wish Megxit had never happened."


A spokesperson for the couple said: "As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role.

"We can all live a life of service. Service is universal."

Phil said that Harry “belittled” the role of the royal family in their statement. 

He explained: “While the Palace statement says how the royals are all saddened by Harry and Meghan’s departure and that they remain ‘much loved members of the family’ the Sussexes can’t resist getting in a parting shot.

“By saying ‘we can all live a life of service – service is universal,’ they are belittling the work of the Queen and the rest of the royal family.

“They don’t seem to care that they are making matters worse and that the rifts are likely to get wider.”


In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have confirmed to Her Majesty The Queen that they will not be returning as working members of The Royal Family.

"Following conversations with The Duke, The Queen has written confirming that in stepping away from the work of The Royal Family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.

"The honorary military appointments and Royal patronages held by The Duke and Duchess will therefore be returned to Her Majesty, before being redistributed among working members of The Royal Family.

"While all are saddened by their decision, The Duke and Duchess remain much loved members of the family."

Today's announcement – released 12 months after the couple stepped back from their roles as senior royals – was made after conversations between The Duke of Sussex and Members of The Royal Family, the palace said.

Harry and Meghan's decision puts extra strain on the family when 99-year-old Prince Philip is in hospital after feeling unwell – with Harry believed to be isolating in the US so he can return to the UK if needed.

Phil added that the announcement today was unsurprising, given how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are carving out a new life for themselves in California with Archie.

He explained: “This was as inevitable as night following day after Harry and Meghan signed up for multi-million dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify.

“You can’t have royals trading on their titles and making money on the west coast of America wile not continuing with duties here.

“Harry and Meghan can now do what they want but only time will tell if Harry has done the right thing and will be happy."

The Queen today said she was "saddened" after her grandson and the Duchess of Sussex today confirmed they would not be returning as working members of the Royal Family.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have confirmed to Her Majesty The Queen that they will not be returning as working members of The Royal Family.

"Following conversations with The Duke, The Queen has written confirming that in stepping away from the work of The Royal Family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.

"The honorary military appointments and Royal patronages held by The Duke and Duchess will therefore be returned to Her Majesty, before being redistributed among working members of The Royal Family.

"While all are saddened by their decision, The Duke and Duchess remain much loved members of the family."

Meghan, 39, and Harry, 36, who are living in the US as they await the arrival of their new baby, then released their statement saying "service is universal".

The palace confirmed the couple would lose their patronages, with Harry being stripped of his honorary military titles as part of the agreement.

However, they will still be known as Duke and Duchess of Sussex after being given the titles as a wedding gift at their 2018 nuptials at Windsor Castle.

They had previously agreed to no longer use their HRH titles as part of the initial Megxit agreement.

Meghan and Harry last year announced they were quitting as royals, saying they wanted to become financially independent.

They have also started their own foundation, Archewell, and launched a podcast series with Spotify believed to be worth £30m.

And they are next expected to sit down in a tell-all chat with Oprah Winfrey in an interview to be aired on CBS next month.

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Meghan and Harry are now living in the US, raising their son Archie, after paying back £2.4million they spent renovating their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage.

The couple this week announced they were expecting another baby with the Queen saying she was delighted with the news.

Harry and Meghan now live in their own £8m home in Santa Barbara.

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