Trump made a head-turning comment about himself during the debate

The list of head-turning remarks made by President Donald Trump is not short. Just within the hour and a half time span of the second and final presidential debate, he had Twitter crying over his comments about immigrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border and oddly enough, Abraham Lincoln. The prior week, he made headlines when he humbly admitted that only Jesus is more famous than him.

The 45th President of the United States still has people talking about his final debate performance, and not for a good reason. Moderator Kristen Welker took the chance to consult the two presidential candidates about the Black Lives Matter movement, which made a fiery re-emergence in the U.S. after an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, died after an officer kneeled on his neck in Minneapolis, Minn. In response, Trump made a head-turning comment about himself. Here’s what he said.

Trump's controversial statement explained

During the final 2020 presidential debate, moderator Kristen Welker brought up “the talk” that Black and brown parents have with their children about taking extra precautions when interacting with the police. Welker started off on a pointed note with President Donald Trump.

“Mr. President, you’ve described the Black Lives Matter movement as a symbol of hate,” Welker began, per AOL. She then listed other actions by the president that seemed oppositional to the movement. “What do you say to Americans who say that kind of language from a president is contributing to a climate of hate and racial strife?” she asked.

In response, Trump defended himself by declaring he was the “least racist person” in the room, adding that he got “criminal justice reform done” and “took care of Black colleges.”

The internet nearly broke after this statement, and people were still baffled by the remark hours after the debate ended. “Trump’s ‘I am the least racist person in this room’ is one of the most offensive things any president has ever said. Still echoing in my mind this morning,” Sarah Reese Jones of Politics USA tweeted.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden took a swing at Trump in response, calling him “one of the most racist presidents we’ve had in modern history,” per The New York Times.

If the final presidential debate did not give Americans clarity before the Nov. 3, 2020 election, 60 Minutes is airing an election special on Oct. 25, which features interviews with all the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. 

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