Sylvester Stallone Gets Parking Ticket, but Offers Sage Advice Afterward

Sylvester Stallone had a run-in with parking enforcement, and though he didn’t come out with a Rocky-esque victory … it could have been a lot worse.

Sly illegally parked his Mercedes-Benz SUV in an alley in Bev Hills while he ran into a jewelry store, and when he returned to his vehicle he was greeted by a parking patrolman … waiting to hand him a ticket.

It’s hard to hear, but the officer tells the famous actor he’s glad he showed up … because he was about to tow his ass!

Stallone appreciates it, and the 2 exchange pleasantries as he accepts his citation. The fellas apparently compare their whips too, because the officer can be heard joking … “Well give it to me, and I’ll give you my Toyota Camry, how ’bout that?”

In the end, Stallone drives off and delivers an important message to any potential lawbreakers.

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