‘SNL’: Robert Mueller Tells Eric Trump That Getting Elected Was Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Donald

Robert De Niro returned as the ever-watchful Robert Mueller who scarily hid in Eric Trump’s closet! Watch the Dec. 8 cold open of ‘SNL’ here!

Robert Mueller (portrayed once again by Robert De Niro) returned to SNL for this week’s cold open to literally hide in Eric Trump‘s closet. At first, Eric gets comforted by Donald Trump Jr. that he won’t get indicted (although Eric thinks it means something to the effect that “there’s no sugar indict coke.” After trying to read “Twas The Night Before Christmas”, Don Jr. and Eric hears a creak that Donald attributes to the “cheap steel dad uses to build these towers.” After Don Jr. leaves the room on what seems to be a very heated legal phone call, Robert Mueller (AKA Eric’s “dad’s friend from work”) appears next to Eric and eventually tells him that he’s not the worst thing to happen to Donald Trump. No, Robert tells him “getting elected president was the worst thing that ever happened to your dad.” Watch the whole sketch go down here!

Last week’s cold open had Alec Baldwin returning as Donald Trump. In addition to a vampyric Rudy Giuliani, the sketch played on Trump’s jealousy over Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, with Putin trying to convince Trump that his handshake with Salman “meant nothing.” The whole sketch ended with Trump and the rest of the cast singing, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.”

And in terms of cold opens, SNL’s season premiere started off with the most hilarious opening sketch of all season. Featuring Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, the now-justice flew off the handle and at one point, chugged a beer. At one point, Kavanaugh screamed, “I lifted weights every day . . . am I angry? You’re damn right! But if you think I’m angry now you just wait until I get on that Supreme Court and then you’re all going to pay!”

We’ll keep you posted with all of the latest SNL sketches. In the meantime, check out all of the latest photos from this season in our gallery above.

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