Sean Lowe: Colton Underwood's 'Virgin Bachelor' Narrative Is 'Overkill'

Sean Lowe knows a little bit about the topic of his virginity being front and center on TV. The former reality star opened up about the private matter also being the focus of Colton Underwood’s upcoming season of The Bachelor.

“Hang in there! I know he’s going to get peppered with the virgin Bachelor stuff. It’s not always easy,” Lowe, 35, told Us Weekly at Sleep Number’s Under the Mistletoe event in New York City on Friday, December 14, when asked if he has any advice for the 26-year-old former football player.

“When that’s the only thing people want to focus on sometimes it gets a bit frustrating because you think, ‘I’ve got a lot more to offer than just want you want to talk about,’” he added.

Though Lowe notes that he think Underwood will “do well” on the reality dating show, he also feels as if the matter of his virginity is being milked.

“Definitely, it’s overkill without question,” the Texas native dished. “I mean, he seems to be playing along with it and I guess it’s all in good fun but it seems like it’s all a bit much.”

And Lowe’s got a point. Earlier this month, ABC released the newest promo poster for the season, which features Underwood as Steve Carell’s character from the 40-Year-Old Virgin. The art is nearly identical to that from the 2005 romantic comedy and shows the Indiana native holding a red rose.

Lowe was the lead of the 17th season of the hit ABC competition where he fell in love and got engaged to Catherine Giudici in 2013. The pair, who went on to wed in January 2014, now share two sons — Samuel, 2, and 6-month-old, Isaiah.

Giudici, 32, was on hand at the event on Friday and told Us that the secret to their strong marriage is “commitment and a lot of work.”

Lowe added, “Love takes work right? You can only live in the fairytale for so long and sooner or later real life sets in and you’re going to have your ups and downs so you’ve got to commit to loving the other person through good times and bad times.”

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