Lauren Googer on why she really missed the National Television Awards

‘I was supposed to be at the NTAs, but I was so late after meetings in town and then getting caught in traffic because of the snow that

I bloody missed it. I made it for the afterparties though, and was out with my friends including Yaz and Lockie. People don’t realise it, as I don’t plaster my entire life all over social media, but I’m really close to Yaz. We go out loads and always have a right laugh. We started at the Mayfair hotel bar and then went to the official NTA afterparty at the London Reign club, then back to the Mayfair for the after-afterparty!

Did Ant deserve the NTA?

There’s been a bit of a public outcry about Ant winning Best Presenter at the National TV Awards, and I can understand why – he hasn’t been at work for a year, plus the whole drink-driving thing and the way things ended with his wife Lisa. It should really have just gone to Dec, if anything, but I guess there wasn’t an option for just Dec. So in some ways I’m pleased, as Dec definitely deserves it for holding the fort and carrying on while Ant was off. I guess it shows the public are willing to forgive and forget, which is a good thing, but I can understand why some might think he’s not deserving of it this year.

Stay strong, Malin

I feel so bad for Malin Andersson losing her beautiful baby at one month old. My heart breaks for her – I can’t imagine anything more terrible. The poor, poor girl. I don’t know how you’d ever get over something like that.

I think it would utterly break me. I don’t know her, but I send her love and strength.

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Loving my hair!

I had all my extensions out a couple of months ago and I’m just going to keep cutting it until it grows and grows. I go to Daniel Galvin and they’re so good – I wish there was one in Essex!

I have really good long, thick hair, so I don’t really know why I have extensions to be honest, as I don’t need them! Everyone always compliments my hair. If I want extra long or extra volume, I have clip-ins that I can quickly put in for that extra-glam look.

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