“Khloe Kardashian debuts her latest face during her Italian vacation” links

August 2023: a new Khloe Kardashian face just dropped. [RCFA]
David Beckham is having a really amazing summer, which makes me wonder if he was actually the target of the British media’s dumbass reporting. [LaineyGossip]
HBO’s Telemarketers docu-series reveals a pretty sinister plot. [Pajiba]
Do we care about Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction? [Tom & Lorenzo]
Octavia Spencer has a soft spot for Britney Spears. [JustJared]
Twenty-one years of Drop Dead Gorgeous. [GFY]
What’s it like dealing with influencers in real life? [Buzzfeed]
George Santos surrounded himself with scammers. [Towleroad]
Salma Hayek’s life just seems so breezy. [Egotastic]
Rick Astley rehearses by meowing. [Seriously OMG]
I have a real soft spot for Italian men. [Socialite Life]


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